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I was sitting on my desk doing my homework when my phone interrupted my thoughts.

message from Papi🔥:

come to the window.

A stupid smile appeared in my face, I made my way to the window, I found David laying on his car holding roses and smiling up innocently at me, my heart warmed at the view in front me, but I remembered that my parents are home and I immediately panicked.


My god, my parents are home.

he looked at his phone, he typed something and then looked up at me and shrugged.


the faster you come down, the lower the chances to get caught ;)

I shook my head at him and went to get dressed, I made my way downstairs to find my mom and dad in the living room watching some documentary together.

" Mom, Dad, I finished my homework, I'm going to hang out with Rania"

they didn't even turn to look at me, they were so focused on the Tv.

" Okay sweety, don't be late" my mom replied.

okay. I quickly got out of the house to find David standing near the door. is he crazy?

" Are you crazy, you want us to get caught" I exclaimed narrowing my eyebrows at him.

he smirked and walked toward me, he grabbed me by the waist and brought me closer to him, David captured my lips in a soft passionate kiss, I leaned into the kiss and then I remembered that we still near my house, I broke the kiss and looked at him.

" How's my princess"

" I'm good"

I took him by the hand and dragged him to the car, I let go of his hand and opened the passenger seat door, to find the roses that he was holding earlier, I took them and sat.

"Yea that's for you by the way" he huffed getting inside the car.


" I supposed to give them to you in a more romantic way but .."

" Haha I'm sorry, but I was afraid if someone saw us" I laughed.

he took my hand and brought it to his lips and gave it a light kiss, he looked at me innocently with his icy blue eyes.

"Can't wait to be not afraid anymore" he winked at me.

I gave him a slight smile and I didn't say a word, because I really didn't think this far, let's say I chose one, what am going to say to my family if they noticed something, what I,m going to say, oh yea you know mom the math teacher that I have, yes he's my boyfriend or worst, oh you know dad your friend Khaled, yes I'm dating him. THAT'S MESSED UP.

"So baby" David brought me back from my trance. I turned to look at him.

" I know I messed up our last date, and I want to make it up for you"

how can I not fall for him? We drove in silence and then I noticed that He's parking in front of the same Pizza restaurant that he brought me to the first time we went out, we made our way inside but instead of going straight to the booths he took my hand and lead me to some stairs in the corner that I didn't notice the last time we were here, the place was dimly lit by the candles and there was a table in the middle with roses and candles, I can see that this was done based on a request, we walked to the table, he pulled the chair for me, I smiled at him and murmured a little thank you.

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