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It was already night time, unfortunetely almost time for Jalen to come pick me up. I was getting Lily ready, since Josh was coming to pick her up. I called him and asked him if he could take her for a few hours but I didn't tell him why. Knowing Josh he would probably flip if he knew I was going on a date, well out to dinner with Jalen.

"Why don't you and daddy live together?" Lily asked as I was putting on her coat.

"Your daddy's just busy working right now, that's all." I smiled and zipped up her coat. I hated that she had to experience all this, and still has too. But it could be worse, so at least were working at it, but I know one day I'll have to explain to her all what's going on. As I was putting her hat over her head full of curls, there was a knock on the door and it was Josh.

"Daddy!" Lily said running into his arms as he walked in the door.

"Hey beautiful." He said kissing her head.

"I'll come get her when I'm done." I said looking up at Josh as he was putting Lily down so she can go get her bag. He stood there and put his big arms around me and laid his head in my curls.

"What are you doing?"

"I just needed a hug from my future wife." He said picking his head back up and kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, if you think so." I said looking up at him. We stared at eachother for a few minutes until I looked away. He put his hand on the side of my cheek and carressed it slowly causing me to look right back in his eyes, this was one of my weaknesses and he knew it. With his other arm he pushed my body up against his and forced his lips onto mine, jumping right into the kiss, and I didn't stop him. I put my hands on the sides of his neck as we kept kissing, until I heard footsteps come to the door, which caused me to back away.

"Busy?" Jalen said as he stepped in the doorway holding another bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, staring at Josh and I. Soon as I seen Josh turn his head, I knew it wouldn't be good.

"Yeah she busy, why you even here?" Josh said letting me go and walking over to the doorway.

"Josh," I said grabbing his arm. "Don't do nothing stupid. I have to interview him soon and it's best if we sit and talk about the questions and what's appropriate so unlike your interview, shit won't be said."

"Flowers and chocolates though? You two couldn't of did this shit at your office?" He said turning around and looking at me. "Really Liyah?"

"Josh it's nothing."

"If it wasn't nothing this dumbass wouldn't be in your fucking doorway with flowers and chocolates!" He said yelling at me, and getting in my face, and of course I wasn't gonna let that fly. I got right the fuck back in his face, and from there we argued like we always did.

"Josh you got the fucking nerve to come at me over something for my job, while all you do is fuck with groupie bitches. Is that part of your job description? I don't fucking think so!"

"Mommy? Daddy? What's wrong?" Lily's little voice said making both of us stop the yelling. I picked her up and kissed her cheek and Josh took her from out my arms and grabbed her bag, and on his way out he paused and looked at Jalen.

"Shows how much you know. She don't even like them chocolates. Lily you like that candy?" He asked her and she nodded yes, and Josh snatched the box from out of Jalen's hand and gave it to Lily. He gave Jalen a crazy look, "I dare you to do something."

"Yay candy!" I heard Lily say as they were halfway down the hall. I seen the anger in Jalen's face but I'm happy he didn't say anything, or do anything. Especially for Lily's sake, I wouldn't want her to see something like that.

"I'm sorry for all that and thanks for not acting out like I know you wanted too."

"It's alright, no problem. You'd expect him to be the same but I guess not."

"Actually I don't. He's Josh, and Josh does what he wants."

"Why do you deal with someone like that?"

"What did I say earlier about getting in business you don't know about?"

"Right, right. Well you wanna leave now?"

"Yeah." I said grabbing my purse and phone, which was being blown up with texts from Josh every few seconds already, it hasn't even been five minutes.

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