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Surprise readers lol this is my fastest update yet. Here's what everyone's been waiting for. xD

"I can't believe this day is here." I said nervously looking in the mirror at myself as Tay fixed and tied the corset part of my dress. I thought about how happy I was with Ryan, over the last few months I've felt so loved and I didn't think I'd feel this way after the accident. But in the back of my mind, I keep thinking about Josh's hand grabbing mine and I know it, it wasn't just a twitch, but I didn't tell anyone about it other than the nurse that was there. All the dreams I had over the last few months about him all felt so real.

"I know! Who would've thought you'd get married-"

"Get married to anyone but Josh." I said turning around and looking at Tay. "What if this is a mistake? What if this isn't how it's supposed to be-"

"Liyah! Stop getting cold feet. It's been just about a year, they aren't even sure if Josh will be up anytime soon, it could be years from now. You moved on with your life, you got Lily back things are going well. This is good for you, stop thinking about him."

"But Tay, his hand-"

"Listen, I don't wanna hear anymore! Stop thinking about it, you're only acting like this because you're nervous. You've been ready for this for a while now Liyah." She said helping me put my vail on right over my face. I grabbed my flowers and looked at her and smiled, I was ready but my instincts were kicking in, and for some reason Josh wasn't leaving the front of my mind.

"Mommy!" Lily said running up to me and reaching her arms up. She was getting so big that I usually never held her like this anymore, so I grabbed her and kissed her cheek. I was so happy to at least have her here, but this whole thing was so difficult to try and explain to her, I wasn't the type to force it into her mind, I was letting her just go with the flow the best way she could.

"Yes baby? You look so pretty my little flower girl." She laughed and put her little arms around my neck and whispered in my ear.

"I saw daddy." I took a deep breath in and looked around to see if anyone was around, and I put her down, kneeled down and looked her in the face. I didn't see any sign of Josh, but I was still in a panic.

"Where? Where did you see him? Is he here?"

"No it was a dream, he woke up and-" She said before Tay came over and grabbed her by the hand.

"It's time for the wedding to start you two, they say were already behind in schedule, you know we can never be on damn time." She said putting Lily in the front of the line. I stood back up and could feel my nerves getting the best of me even more. I'm not sure what she was about to tell me but at least I'm not alone with having dreams about Josh, and him waking up. I grabbed my flowers and took one final look in the mirror, trying to hide the nerves on my face and put a smile. There were so many camera people, different actors and actresses, most of these people were here because Ryan knew them, you know my side was nonexistant. All the people I wanted there were in the wedding itself, I made sure my mom wasn't going to make a grand entrance and ruin shit.

"And here comes the bride!" I heard someone say and the doors came open slowly. I kept a smile on, and walked down the isle slowly and looked at everyone standing. Halfway down the isle I seen Lily's little face and she helped my nerves calm down a bit. I finally made it to where I was supposed to stand, across from Ryan. He looked at me and lifted my vail over, and I could see the happiness in his eyes.

"You look beautiful." I smiled and I was surprised I haven't cried yet, I just knew I was going too but I guess not yet anyways.

"We are gathered here today for the marriage of Liyah Brown and Ryan Mitchels." The guy said as he began saying everything else he had to say. I always thought marriages were so long for no reason, all this standing, while they talk and talk and then like a half an hour into it exchange vows? Ugh, I need a chair and some alcohol to calm my nerves and to help me wonder what the hell I'm doing. I feel like I'm going crazy in my own mind, going from feeling like this is okay, to thinking this is completely crazy. I could feel my legs shaking and hear cameras flashing and people clapping. The more things I heard the more nervous I got.

"And now for the vows, Ryan, repeat after me." Ryan grabbed my hands and looked me in my eyes, that alone reassured me that maybe this is for me, maybe this new step is just the beginning to something great.

"I, Ryan, take you Liyah, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." The guy said and Ryan took a deep breath in and smiled.

"I, Ryan, take you Liyah, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." He said and grabbed my ring and slowly put it on my finger. I was in such shock with myself that this was happening, ever since he proposed to me. Ryan was just everything any girl would want, he was the perfect guy.

"Now Liyah, it's your turn."

"Great, everyone be prepared for me to mess up." I said as everyone in the church started to laugh and more cameras flashed, I felt like I was on the red carpet somewhere, I hated being the center of attention since I was such a low key type of person.

"You'll do fine, now repeat after me. I, Liyah, take you Ryan, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

"I, Liyah,-" The sound of the large doors creaked, and everyone turned around to look. I could feel myself getting scared because I didn't know who it could've been. I don't know what I'd do if it was my damn mom, or some crazy miracle happened and Josh came walking in here, I'd probably pass out but I knew that had to be out of question, you only have so much strength after being in a coma for so long. I took a sigh of relief when I realized that no one came through.

"Take you Ryan, to be my-" Before I could finish, I couldn't help but see Lily's face bright as a star ontop of a Christmas tree, with a big smile on her face, one I haven't seen in a while. It made me pause and wonder who she was looking at, who in the crowd was making her smile so hard? I tried to get eye contact with her but she never looked back over at me. Something by the look of her face, and the light footsteps I heard made my stomach turn to knots.

"Daddy!" Lily screamed out and off she went running down the isle, cause there Josh was, slowly walking down the isle like he had very little energy. He was in hospital clothes and had on the sneakers that were by his bedside everytime I came to visit him. I felt my heart racing as it dropped down to my feet, my legs were trembling like they were about to give out at this very second. Everyone turned to look back at him, and I heard the gasps and could see some of the shocked faces, Josh looked right at me, no one else, or nothing else, just at me, and that's when I felt my first tears fall down my face.

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