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4 months later

"Aren't you happy we finally got the same vacation weeks?" Tay said getting in the car. We were just leaving work, and during the summer everyone got two weeks off. Usually Tay and I's weeks are different and we barely get to do much together.

"I know, first time ever in work history." I said starting the car and pulling off.

"How are you? I know you've been working yourself off the chain-"

"I'm fine." I cut her off from asking me anything about how I've been feeling over Lily or Josh. Over the past four months I worked my ass off because I needed as much distraction as possible, it's not that I wanted to forget about them, but if I sat around doing nothing I'd end up depressed. I don't know what I'll do these two weeks we're actually off. It's been four months and just about everything is the same.

"Have you heard anything about their conditions?"

"Same stuff every hospital visit, the 'there's not much we can tell you' speech." I said driving until we got into traffic, afternoon traffic was the worst in New York.

"Well, I'm proud of you, you've been strong."

"Thanks, that's my only option."

"So how about you and Ryan? You didn't even tell me you two were-"

"No girl, we're just friends." Ryan and I been on a few dates, just hung out with eachother but we haven't slept together yet. I can say I've been growing feelings for him but I don't know if I was ready to admit it. At least I didn't get as wild as I thought I was, for some reason Ryan's been helping me stay sane rather than wild out and stoop to Josh's old ways.

"Mhm, that's what they all say."

"I mean, I have feelings but I'm trying to hold back as much as possible, we're really taking this slow as hell, and I'm not mad at it."

"In order to move on you have to let Josh go Liyah."

"Yeah I know, but-"

I paused when we got closer to the traffic, the more the cars moved moved the more you can see what was going on, and it happened to be another accident. I froze, and almost hit the car infront of me if I didn't slam on my brakes hard enough. The day of the accident kept going through my mind. How I just passed right by it, how I didn't recognize the truck, or even think it might've been Lily or Josh.

"Let me drive Liyah, let's just switch before traffic starts moving." I got out and was looking at the accident, and could feel the chills I got when I first heard about their's. I jumped in the passengers side and took a deep breath, and Tay continued to follow along with the traffic.

"That day was the worst for me."

"I know, just relax. Everything will be fine." She said and I turned my head the other way so I wouldn't see the damage from the accident. My nerves were so high that I jumped when my phone began to ring.


"Yes, Liyah? It's the hospital."

"What's wrong? Are they okay? Are they-"

"Calm down, you're daughter is awake. She's moving and talking but not as much-" I completely paused, I couldn't hear anything she said after she said Lily was awake.

"I'll be right there!" I yelled in her ear, probably making her deaf, this was the best news I got in a long ass time. "She's awake! We gotta get there now!"

"See didn't I tell you! I told you one of them would be awake!" She said and I wiped my tears that was flowing down my cheeks, it felt like a gigantic weight was lifted off my shoulders and I was just ready to see my baby, I was ready to hear her little voice.


After at least an hour because of traffic, we finally got to the hospital, I ran in without checking in and stormed down all the hallways until I got to her room. I opened the door and I seen her big smile go across her face from ear to ear, and her eyes widened when she seen me come in. I quickly went over to her and grabbed her and held her in my arms, tight as ever.

"I missed you Lily, mommy missed you so much!" I said holding her, not letting her go at all, and I know she was probably weak, but right now she was just going to have to take all the hugs I could give.

"But I was just sleeping, where's daddy?" I looked at her and kissed her forehead, hearing her voice was the best thing I was able to get in months, but I forgot about what I was going to say once she woke up and started asking questions. I know she doesn't realize she's been sleeping for months, I know to her it probably seems like it was a long nap. I don't know how I was going to explain any of this.

"What do you remember before going to sleep?"

"I was in the car with daddy, and there was gun sounds and then he fell asleep and hit a car. Is he okay?" I rubbed her face and kissed her forehead and looked in her eyes. She looked tired, and sad but happy to see me. It didn't occur to me that she had seen Josh get shot, and just fall out behind the wheel. I know she wanted to see him but I couldn't let her see him that way yet without explaining it.

"Well, he's sleep too. Just like you were."

"He's still sleeping? When is he gonna wake up?"

"I don't know yet, I hope soon. He's been sleep since you seen him. It could be a long time before he wakes up, or he might never wake up."

"Why not?"

"He's sick, he's sleep and sick. But I promise I'll let you see him soon okay?" I said crying and holding her, I just didn't want to let her go.

"We have to give her an exam, if you don't mind?" The nurse said walking in the room with a clipboard and a cup of water.

"I'll be right out in the hall okay? The nurse is goig to make sure you're okay."

"You promise?"

"I promise." I kissed her head and walked out the room, wiping my tears and going next door over to peek in Josh's room. I went in and stared at him, still hooked up to machines. I grabbed his hand and tried to hold back my tears. I thought about our last few days together, and the last few months without him. Deep down, I missed him and I knew it. If I could I would sleep by Josh's side because he was all I had for a long time, and I know I'm still in love with him no matter who comes in my life.

"Lily woke up, and she wants to see you, she misses you. And I miss you too Josh, it's your turn to wake up now and come back to us. You have to fight out of this I know you can. Please wake up soon, you know I love you, I'll be here when you do, I promise."

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