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"I knew dreams could come true!" Lily said as she ran down the rest of the isle to Josh, hugging onto his leg. I could feel the nervousness in my breathing, my eyes instantly filled up with even more tears and I dropped my boquet of flowers. Everyone on each sides of the church were gasping and quiet, just as shocked as I was to see Josh up and walking. As soon as I seen Josh's eyes, I knew all of this had to be a mistake, if I had my doubts before I really have them now. I don't know if anything is making any sense at all right now.

"Josh?" I said picking up my dress and kicking off my heels to run over to where he was. The tears were flowing and the closer I got to him the more I just wanted to hold him in my arms for as long as I could. I felt like it was just another dream, but I think this time it as really reality. I lost him for a full year, which felt like forever, or I could've really lost him at some point and here I was with someone else about to exchange vows.

"Liyah." He said grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. My whole body was shaking, and I was crying more than I ever thought I could. I didn't know if I'd ever feel this feeling again. I wrapped my arms around him and didn't open my eyes to look at all the hundreds of faces on me and camera lenses pointed at us, at that moment I didn't care. it was Josh and he was really here. "What is all this?"

I slowly lifted myself out of his arms and looked in his tired eyes. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to word all this, I wasn't even sure if I could even stomach to tell him what it was. I didn't know how he would react, better yet I didn't want him to react, I know he was too weak right now. "Josh, just go back okay? We can talk-"

"No, what is this? Is this what you were telling me about not to long ago, when you came to see me? They told me I been sleep for a year? I didn't believe you of all people were getting married. I guess you couldn't wait to get an oppurtunity for me to be out the way."

"Josh I don't wanna argue with you right now, not in front of all these people, not while you're weak!"

"I don't care! Tell me now! Tell me this isn't real!" He said and I could see his jaw clenching and the anger in his eyes. "I woke up, and I didn't even know a whole damn entire year passed. I woke up in a hospital bed, no one around. Then I kept hearing you saying you were getting married in my head, the TV that was on in my room had your wedding on live, all of this isn't even you Liyah. I didn't even know if that was something that was true I thought it was all in my head, but apparently not huh? I guess it is real, since here you are, getting married after all, right Liyah?"

"I know and I'm sorry I wasn't there, I have been countless nights, and doctors would tell me nothing, saying you were far gone you wouldn't wake up any time soon! This was one of the hardest things for me Josh! I wasn't even sure if I was over you, I wasn't even sure if this was right!" I yelled back at him and in the door came one of the top doctors and a few nurses, I assume they were here for Josh.

"Joshua Sanders, you can't be out like this without proper examination, how did you even leave?" I looked at Josh and then over at Ryan, he was just as confused as everyone else. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't, that was the smartest move he could've made right now.

"I'll leave then. Liyah doesn't want me here anyways, I wouldn't wanna disrupt the wedding. Go ahead bride to be, switch those vows and put on your ring."

"Josh-" I said grabbing his arm and he snatched it back quickly.

"No! I don't wanna see you Liyah. Don't come to the hospital, don't come find me when I get out. Don't bother." He said as the doctors and nurses grabbed him, bringing him out. That alone broke my heart in pieces, I wasn't used to Josh not wanting anything to do with me. I started screaming and crying as I snatched my vail off and ran out the church, I couldn't look at anyone, I couldn't face Ryan cause I know I had to tell him I couldn't do this anymore at this moment, cause in the last few minutes everything changed dramatically. I ran down the steps and to one of the limo drivers, and I seen Josh looking at me from a distance before he got in the ambulance.

"I know you aren't my limo driver, but you're the closest one. Take me to my loft in the city-"

"Mommy! Why aren't we going with daddy? Why's he going to the hospital again? I don't want him to sleep anymore." Lily said running up from behind me. She looked over at the ambulance and Josh was still in sight, running over to it and one of the nurses picked her up and put her beside him. I wasn't the type to keep her from Josh, but I know I had to take her with me, I didn't want her to go down to the hospital. I slowly walked over to where they were and I couldn't help but look right at Josh, I still couldn't believe he was right infront of me, this felt so unreal.

"Lily we're leaving, let's go."

"But will I see you soon?"

"Of course, when I get out I'll come pick you up." She gave him a big hug before jumping down from the ambulance.

"Aren't you gonna give mommy a hug?" He looked at me and for once along with the anger I seen sadness, like his heart might've officially been broken, and of all people to do it was me.

"No, he's not." I picked her up and walked back over getting into the limo, I didn't want to argue anymore in front of her about all of this.

"Are we going to see him at the hospital later? Why are you crying mommy? Aren't you happy?" These were the things I never knew how to explain to her, what was I supposed to say to a four year old?

"Yeah, yeah I'm happy. And he's gonna come get you soon." I said wiping my eyes. I didn't know where to go after this, I wanted to get away from everyone for a while and I think I will. I couldn't face anyone, I know I was weak, I know I let people down, especially Ryan. I wasn't up for any confrontations with anyone, I just wanted to be alone with Lily. I'm so happy Josh is awake, but now here comes another storm, and more confusion to fuck my thoughts up. I didn't want to end up torn between two people, I don't know how to even deal with that.

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