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6 months later

It's been a few months since Ryan proposed to me, and I've been thinking about what to do ever since. Everyday since then I keep falling in love with him more than I planned, everything is starting to even out with me now, things have been going great. Lily's been home for three months now, and she loves Ryan but she doesn't know we're getting married in a week, I don't even know how to word it. I still take her to visit Josh, he still hasn't woke up and his conditions still the same, and everytime we go she always asks me when he's gonna wake up, it breaks my heart that I can't give her a sincere answer.

"I can't believe you're getting married, I'm still lost for words." Tay said as I came out with my wedding dress on. I looked in the mirror and stared at my long, white dress and up at my face. Even though I felt all the love in the world from Ryan, something still made me feel the need to not go through with all this yet.

"I know, I still can't believe it. It's almost been a year since the crash."

"Liyah, you look beautiful. Look how far you got yourself without Josh. I know you'll never forget him, no one expects you too. But try to think of it as something you've overcome."

"Yeah I guess so."

"Stop being so damn down girl and be happy! You're the first to get married out of all of us, our unhappy asses." She said looking in the mirror with me. "Everything's gonna be fine."

"I know, I barely think about my past anymore, it's all about what's forward."

"Exactly, is everything set for the wedding?"

"Everything's in order, I just have to try and explain it to Lily. But the food, the place, it's all set."

"That might be hard but I don't think it will. Have you told Josh?" I paused and looked at her with a face full of confusion.

"Tell Josh?"

"You know they say people in coma's can still hear everything that's being said. I mean, if you tell him then if he ever wakes up he can be aware, that you moved on. He's gonna wake up and still think it's February of last year."

"I know, I guess I didn't think of that. But I should go tell him. Guess I know how the rest of my day's gonna go." I said stepping off the platform and back into the changing room. I was so excited for my wedding, it finally felt like everything was falling right into place. All I needed to do now was get through this afternoon.


I walked down the hallway of the hospital with Lily and down to Josh's room. The nurses, doctors, some of the patients all knew me by name, that's how frequent I used to be in here. I thought I'd tell Lily at the sametime as I was telling Josh, just in case Josh wanted to play zombie and jump the fuck out his sleep soon as I said the words, cause he would be the one to do so.

"He's been sleep for a long time." She said walking over to Josh and grabbing his hand, I held back tears the best way I could, she made me cry eachtime we came here, the way she would talk to him or just simply grab his hand. they became so close to eachother so fast and I loved it.

"I know, I wish I could tell you when he was gonna wake up, but I can't baby." I said sitting down in the chair next to Josh's bed and sitting Lily on my lap. "You know I love your dad very much, right?"

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