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"What was your reaction?" Tay said sitting down at my table, as I was boiling water to make cups of hot chocolate. It was 3:04pm and I had just got back from picking Lily up from daycare.

"I was shocked, everything played right back in my mind. I felt like I was gonna pass out again, girl I was shaking." I said putting some cookies on the plate for Lily. She was off in her room playing right now, I didn't talk about Josh in front of her, I didn't want her to question me.

"How was he acting?"

"He had looked so deep into my eyes it felt like he was trying to suck the life out of me. Then he started talking all this shit about where he seen himself in 10 years."

"Do you miss him?"


"Liyah do you miss him?"

"I don't know- no Tay. I don't. He left me years ago for Naomi, he clearly made his choice back then, he's happy." I said bringing the cups to the table.

"Yeah you have a point, but if you was feeling like that you not fully over him, same on his side of things."

"Yeah well, we had our chance. I gave up a long time ago Tay. Of course feelings will be here but they can't be brought back to the surface. He's Lily's dad."

"Yeah that's true too. Well good, you've been doing fine all by yourself. Does he even know you have a kid by now?"

"Mommy is the chocolate ready?" Lily said running out to me and I sat her in the chair next to me.

"Yeah, be careful it's hot." I said stirring her hot chocolate and blowing on it. Me and Tay stopped talking about Josh and changed the subject about the snow outside.

"I have a question mommy."

"Sure you can ask me anything." I said smilin at her putting her hair up into a bun.

"When is my daddy coming home?" I looked at her then at Tay.

"Well I should get going, I'll call you. Bye princess." She kissed Lily's head and whispered a 'good luck' over to me before she walked out.

"Honey I told you about your dad."

"But I wanna see him, mommy." I looked away and picked her up holding her in my arms.

"I know," I said as I got up to sit on the couch with her in my arms. "I know you do baby you'll see him soon."

"When is he gonna come see me?"

"Soon Lily I promise. He loves you and he's just a little busy right now."

"Have I ever met my daddy?" I looked at her little face that looked like Josh's and couldn't help but start to cry. "Why are you crying?" She said wiping my tears. I smiled and grabbed her hands tightly.

"You haven't baby. I promise you he'll be home soon. So you can meet him, just trust mommy, he loves you I promise." I said kissing her forehead. I didn't want her to feel like her dad hated her, even though he knew nothing about her. I didn't want to just tell her that how my mom did to me, and I know when or if he does find out, he won't hate her.

"Okay mommy." She smiled and wiped the tears from my face again. She turned and looked at the TV where the Frame Channel was on. We were watching the news they were talking about, all the good celebrity stuff, then they got to Sports. "Look mommy! It's him with my last name! I wanna meet him one day can you let me?"

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