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"Merry Christmas!" I heard Tay and yell out to me. I had fell asleep on the couch, spread out with baggy eyes from last night. Didn't go as bad as I figured. By the time I finally got up, Lily was still sleep but Tay was sitting at the table. "I know it's only 8 and you guys sleep in like sloths, but I thought I'd at least wake you up."

"Good morning." I heard and got startled when I looked back to see Josh.

"I'm gonna go, take a shower or something." Tay said looking at Josh, then at me. She grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear, "Look over at your tree."

I looked to the side, the left side of the fireplace that wasnt on. There were gifts from one side of the loft to the other, all shapes and sizes, some small some tall. He must've bought all this stuff here when I was asleep, I really do need to stop sleeping like a sloth. Then I felt a big pair of arms wrap around me, and felt Josh's chin press up against my shoulder.

"I understand why you found it hard to tell me." He whispered into my ear. "I don't want you to do this on your own anymore."

"And you don't want a DNA test?"

"I'd be a fool to even ask for one, she's my twin."

"You don't wanna down me for keeping her such a secret from you?"

"No, I understand why it was hard to say something. I just wanna make up for all the time I missed with her, I missed the important parts but I can't afford to miss anymore. Why do you think I came back with all this stuff? I refuse to miss anymore of her life."

"And look it doesn't mean we have to be together, you're welcome to see her anytime."

"I know, but why can't we be together Liyah?" I turned and looked at him and seen Lily from the corner of my eye. I moved from Josh and went over to her and picked her up.

"Good morning Lilyana." I said kissing her cheek and walking over to Josh. "Look at all the gifts Santa brought you!"

"Yay!" She yelled out and reached her arms out to Josh. I looked at him and handed her over. "Can you open them all with me?"

"Yeah I'd love too, let's see what Santa got you." He said smiling walking over to the tower of presents. I went into the bathroom to where Tay was, she was sitting in the empty tub eating her bowl of cereal.

"You know he knows now?"

"I found out when he came here with all that shit at 4 am this morning."

"He says he understands it all. Why I couldn't tell him and why it was hard for me to say something."

"How do you feel about it?"

"I still gotta tell Lily that's her dad. He knows but she doesn't," I said sitting up on the sink with my hands on my head. "He asked me why we couldn't be together."

"And? What did you say?"

"I never answered. Sad thing is I can't really give him a good reason to why, other than he left me that day at graduation for someone who didn't love him at all. He picked her over me at least twice. I can't just pick up and be ready to be with him again after all that happened before."

"Have you even talked to Trey?"

"I've been ignoring his calls, what am I supposed to say? Yeah the number one QB in the NFL is in love with me?"

"True that, some point you'll end up facing him though."

"I know Tay, everyone is just facing me lately with no warning." I said as I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I was completely out of it, had so much on my mind and so much has happened within the last few weeks. I came out the bathroom and went to where they were, watching them open presents.

"Look mommy I got a bike!" She said as she pedaled her way to the other side of the loft. She had the biggest smile on her face, I had got her mostly everything on her list, then he got her probably everything in the toy store.

"It's nice, be careful." I smiled and watched her go. Josh stood back up and looked at me with those eyes of his, and gave me a box wrapped in pink and white stripped paper, with a big white bow. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"You're the mother to my daughter, why not? Plus I'm in love with you, remember? I know you are with me but you're too unsure of yourself because of how I hurt you in the past, trust me Liyah I know this isn't about to be such an easy choice for you. Plus that low ass Trey's been a replacement booty call."

"It's not like that, Josh. Trey is a friend of mine and we did, we fucked a few times. What did you want me to do, marry a dildo in your absence because one day you was gonna come back and finally wanna really be with me? Like your QB of the Giants, who haven't you fucked?"

"Who hasn't he fucked? I heard a lot about him, he's in the same position I'm in but the difference is your just another piece of ass to hit up when he's in NY."

"And if it is like that? How do you not know he's just a person I hit up when he's in town? I wasn't getting in no relationship Josh, you know they weren't my thing and still aren't. I don't care how you see any of this, he's a friend. Just like you are; now anyways. We gotta be corgile cause we share a special someone, we're nothing more."

"Not for to long Liyah, you fell for me once I can make you do it again."

I put on a smirk and shrugged, "Try me."

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