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"What's wrong? Is Lily awake? Is she alright?" I asked the doctor as soon as I walked in the hospital. We rushed over here and I noticed the same people were in the waiting room, all Josh's family. I didn't see my mom and I was happy about that, I would've really got arrested this time if I seen her anywhere down here near Lily.

"No she's not awake yet. But they decided not to take Josh off life support, so I thought I'd call you to let you know. Both of their conditions are the same, they haven't improved at all." I wiped the tears that was falling down my cheeks and Tay reached over and hugged me.

"See I told you, he'll beat through this, and so will she. Just give it time." Tay said and every word she was saying just went in one ear and out the other, my hope left me hours ago, but part of me of course is still hopig they do make it through this.

"I hope so." I said rubbing my head and looking at his mom as she just came out his room. She was crying too, I was going to say something but more of the family got up to hug her. I peeked through the crack of the door and could see Josh laying there, he looked like he was sleep but he was just so unconcious. "I need to go in there."

"I'll be out here." Tay said grabbing my bag and cell phone. I walked in the room and closed the door behind me. I walked over to where he was and sat down in the chair on the side of the bed, I didn't touch him at first cause I was hesitant. My eyes were burning from how much I cried within the last couple hours, it's like I haven't stopped at all. His face looked unrecognizable from the face I was used too, scarred and scratched up. Most of his body was wrapped in casts and I couldn't hear nothing but the machine beeping from his breathing. I softly grabbed his hand and starred at his face and cried, everything hit me already with Lily, but now everything was hitting me at once about Josh.

"They say people that are in coma's can hear everything going on around them. So I hope you can hear me." I said looking down at his hand. "Our last conversation wasn't the best one but I do love you, Lily loves you. She's just like you, I'm alone right now and it's one of the hardest things for me to deal with, not having one of you. I'm used to Lily around me every second, and I'm used to you nagging and blowing my phone up every chance you got. I'd do anything just to hear your voice again. You know you have to wake up, maybe it isn't too late for us, maybe things were just beginning. I need you Josh you can't leave me now." I laid my head on his arm and just cried, I can't imagine losing him. After all he's done, he's been all I had, and he's just came back in my life and just started being in Lily's, losing one or both of them would just crush my world.

"You can't leave me now, you left me already. I know I can be a handful I will admit that, but you never gave up on me before. Same with you, everyone knows you stress me out more than anybody, I was close to giving up but all that just happened I just can't let you go over this. I know you love me and I should try and know that more, I guess. I do wanna try with you, I can't throw it all away-" I stopped talking when I heard the door slam open, and then shut again. There stood a girl, about the same height as me with purple dyed curly hair, dark brown eyes and a dark brown skin tone. I could see her belly poking out as if she was pregnant, early months maybe. I had a feeling this wasn't going to start or end too well.

"Can I have some time alone with Josh?" She said looking over at me, waiting for me to get up. I lifted my head from off his arm and looked at her like she had eight heads on her shoulders.

"Unless you're family, no you can't. I'm having my time right now so I guess you're just gonna have to wait."

"Well I have to go soon."

"And that's not my problem." I said laying my head back down on his arm, she had me fucked up if she thinks I was going anywhere.

"You must be Liyah, so you're who I replaced for a little while? Josh only kept me around because you weren't no where in sight. Do you know how that made me feel?"

"And you must be Sabrina, the girl who's cheating on her husband, with this guy right here who's half dead right now. Do you know how that will make him feel once he finds out? And I was in sight honey, I was all over the place. I was all over Frame, I wasn't that hard for Josh to spot if he needed to find me that bad. Oh, and tell me, who's baby is it? His or Josh's? Or is my guess as good as yours?"

"Wow you're just as he described you to be. And my husband left me last night, because you're 'boyfriend' or whatever Josh is too you, told the world about our affair. It's all over the news and internet, just aside of him being in the hospital. And so what if I don't know who the father of the baby is, I was sleeping with two men so I guess we'll see."

"Oh yeah? And what's that, beautiful, fiesty, wildly emotional, with a tad bit of a bitchy sarcastic attitude? Sounds like he's got me quite right, he does know me from inside out so it's not like he's lying as you can see. And you know what, I don't know why he told the world about your affair, I haven't spoke to Josh for a few days now."

"Well I'm in love with him, and if this is his baby I have just as much right as you do to sit in here."

"Not while I'm here trying to have a moment to myself with him. Our daughter is next door, in the same position as him right now, you need to get the hell out."

"I'm not going anywhere! I need to talk to him for myself! You aren't going to stop me like you stopped everything else! Josh was going to be engaged to me right now if it wasn't for you!" I lifted my head back up and looked at her. I stood up and listened to all she was screaming out, because this was all new news to me. After I left that night me and Josh haven't had the chance to talk about anything, and I don't know if he would even tell me anything about this in the first place. But, I couldn't believe everything she was saying either, I don't know if she was a good liar just as much as Josh was.

"Yup that's right! On New Year's, he was supposed to propose to me! I was going to move in with him and everything! It was going to be me and him! Just us!" She screamed out and threw her bag on the floor. I could see the anger in her eyes, like she was ready to attack me, and probably pull Josh's cord in the process.

"How can you assume that if you're already married?! Do you know how pathetic you sound?And I don't know if you know this, but at those points, you are and never were the only girl with Josh! You were never the one and only! Shit, when I went to his house a couple weeks ago there was a girl in there getting her clothes, on her way out! After the fact he told me that I was who he wanted! I don't know what fantasy you're in, but trust me, you weren't and aren't the only one!" I seen her anger grow, and her tears started falling. I could see the rage in her eyes as she looked at me, then around herself like she was looking for something. She took the mirror from off the wall and raised it up like she was going to hit me, but then the machine started going crazy, and his body was moving slightly like it was twitching.

"What's going on?!" I screamed as the doors bursted open and everyone came inside. Doctors and nurses came rushing in the room trying to get everyone out, as some people were trying to hold Sabrina down and pull me out of the room, it was just chaotic. I got one more glance at Josh before they pushed me out the room, and I could feel nothing but pain and see nothing but pain, I was losing him and I didn't know what to do.

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