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I got up and sat outside before the cops got out their car and sat right on the steps. I laid my hands in snow for a few minutes, they were so heated and they hurt so bad.

"Excuse me? Are you okay? You have blood on your face." One of the cops said looking at me, the other one stood there and stared at me aswell.

"No, I'm not alright. My daughter's in a coma, and her dad is on life support, shit both of them are just about dead because of that bitch in that hallway. So I don't give a fuck, arrest me. Cause I'll do this to this bitch everytime I see her from now on."

"So this must be Naomi, we've been looking for her. We had all the other people but we were told she was the mastermind between this all. And you know what? I feel your pain. Get out of here, we didn't see anything." He said and the other cop agreed with what he said.

"Yeah, we didn't see anything. This could've been anybody. We questioned you and you were at the hospital, you're out the clear." The other one said guiding the ambulance to the door. I smiled and nodded and both Tay and I walked to the car. I'm glad I had cops like these because it could've been way worse for me at this moment, I could've been arrested, on the ground, shit probably shot by the way they're acting now.

"Girl how did you do that?!"

"My parents used to lie to police a lot, to get out of being arrested so I guess I had it in the bag. But in my case the shit was true. They knew I had a reason, any real person would've did what I did."

"I didn't know you had hands like that, and let's get the fuck up out of here before they change their minds." She said speeding out the parking lot and into the traffic. I tried checking my phone despite my hands being messed up, and I had no missed calls from the hospital. I was so worked up and angry, adrenaline running high, along with the sadness I was full of. "Where we going now?"

"I don't know if I should go home, or back to the hospital."

"Well, I know you probably wanna be at the hospital right? You should be by Lily's side, Josh's." She said as she jumped on the highway.

"Yeah, I think you're right but I just need to go home first. Shower, try to believe everything's gonna be alright."

"Everything will be alright Liyah, don't try and be negative about it. She could wake up any second or day now I know she will. And Josh will too, you two been through too much for him to let go now."

"Yeah, you're right and I hope they do, their all I have. I know Josh and I weren't perfect but they were my own little family." I said and couldn't help but cry. About a half an hour later we finally pulled up to my building, and I didn't even want to go back inside because it was empty, and I knew it would be like that for a while.

"You'll be alright. I'll wait out here for you." She said as she turned the heat up and locked the car doors when I got out.

"You don't wanna come inside?"

"No, you won't be too long right?"

"Probably not but if I am come and check on me." I said walking in the building. The whole elevator ride up I thought about the times Lily and I were in here, being silly. I honestly don't know what I'll do without her in this time being, or if I lose her and that's all I kept thinking about. The doors opened and I noticed someone standing by my door. I squented my eyes to see if I was seeing things, but I wasn't, it was my mom. I paused cause a part of me was scared to even go down the hall. I haven't seen her in so long, and last time I did, it wasn't well.

"What are you doing here?" I said trying to fight my tears back.

"Is that a good way to greet your mom Liyah?"

"I don't give a fuck how I greet you. Get out my building."

"I just thought you'd need my support-"

"No you just came because you want some money. Or you see that my baby's father is probably on his death bed and you know I'm about to have probably ten times my own bank account right?"

"No, I was worried about my granddaughter."

"You don't even know her, she's not your granddaughter as much as I'm not your daughter! You aren't getting any money out of me, you aren't meeting Lily, ever. I don't even know why you're here!" I said screaming and crying, I couldn't hold back anymore. Last time I seen my mom, we fought. I was caught up in her terrible lifestyle, I was tired of it. Robbing people, cheating them out of their money, and watching her kill people or sleep with people just to support her drug habit.

"You're going to let me meet her Liyah, I'm here now! I came all the way from Chicago once I seen everything on the news. Plus you have money, you owe me. And unless you want me to tell all those camera people about the life you used to live, you'd let me meet her."

"Wow, you just haven't changed, huh? Now you came all this way just to threaten me." I laughed and opened my door and stood in the doorway. I would never let her in my house, if I did all my furniture would be gone in a split second.

"Now that you moved and you're all over TV and all fancy, you can't be bothered with me, am I right?"

"If I was poor and sitting on the edge of the street I wouldn't be bothered with you. No matter my life outcome, I wouldn't be bothered with you."

"You'll regret what you say to me Liyah, and I'm going to see my granddaughter!" She said storming off down the hall.

"Yeah, you keep thinking that! I'd never have her around you. And I'll never regret saying anything I just said to you." I said shutting the door and putting my hands over my head. Why was everything turning upside down for me? The last person I wanted to see was my mom, especially with all this going on. But I needed to move fast so I could get back down to the hospital and be by their sides, so I quickly took a shower and threw on the closest clothes I could find. I didn't bother fixing my hair cause that would've been another hour, so I just left it thrown up in the mess of a bun it was. I looked in the mirror and I could just feel nothing but sadness and anger, everything going on just didn't make sense.

Finally I got back outside, had to avoid some of the dumbass people with the questions and microphones, but other than that it was fine, no sign of my mom anywhere. I didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing at this point. I got in the car and Tay handed me my phone.

"Liyah, you left your phone down here and it's been ringing like crazy. I answered it and it was one of the doctors, they said they needed to speak to you, or you should get down there as soon as possible."

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