Ch.1 A promising new year

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Chapter 1

The sound of her heels echoed through the halls as Kiara walked down with her Birkin hanging from her arm. Her gaze stayed fixed in front of her, paying no attention to the admiring and jealous stares she received from the students gathered in the hall. The group of freshmen girls stood with their jaws hanging as they laid their eyes on The Kiara Tobias for the first time since entering campus.

The dormitory was separated by floors and gender. Girls took the first two floors while the boys occupied the top two. Usually the monitors objected to students lingering in the halls or going to floors they weren't supposed to in, but on the first day of school, the school spirit was too high for any kind of rules to be followed.

Not that it ever mattered to Kiara. None of the monitors would ever dare tell her she couldn't be on the top floors. She came and went as she pleased since the first day of her freshman year at Donatus Academy. And her senior year was no different.

As Kiara approached the door at the end of the hall, she adjusted her purse before pulling out the set of keys that hung from a black ribbon. She stuck the key in the key hole and jiggled the lock before pushing the door open with a frown.

"Jesus," Killian groaned as Kiara entered the room. "I gave you the keys for emergencies only."

"Who's in here?" Kiara raised a brow.

Killian ran a hand through his messy dark hair as he slowly sat up. The sheets slid off his bare chest and landed around the waistband of his boxers. He let a lazy second pass as the door closed behind the girl and she waited for him to answer.

"No one," Killian shrugged.

"I heard the bathroom door shut close as I was coming in," Kiara pointed out. "You're in bed....."

As she spoke, she placed her purse at the edge of his bed and walked toward the bathroom. Killian jumped out and grabbed her elbow as she reached for the door knob.

"Why are you dressed like that?" He asked, hoping to distract her.

"Dressed like that?" Kiara looked down at her black velvet dress and high heels. "Like I am going to your funeral?"

"You're in a mood today."

"I need to use the bathroom, Killian."

Kiara yanked her arm back and pushed open the bathroom door. She was greeted by a tall blonde who gasped and turned pale as a ghost. She stood in her bra and underwear as Kiara looked her up and down. Killian rubbed his forehead behind her and shook his head.

"Hello, little dove," Kiara smiled as she tilted her head.

"H-hi, Kiara," the blonde stuttered.

"You're......" Kiara took a step forward despite Killian trying to stop her. Her eyes narrowed as if she was trying very hard to remember something. "You're Megan, right?"

"You know my name?" The girl, Megan, asked in shock.

"It seems that I do," Kiara said, her eyes ever so watchful. "Well, don't just stand there. Dress yourself. Or do you plan on attending the first day of classes like that?"

As Megan fumbled with her clothes, Killian reached out and shut the bathroom door to allow her some privacy from Kiara. He turned to his best friend and shook his head with disapproval.

"What?" Kiara asked innocently.

"You know what," he said. "Why are you even here so god damn early?"

"Early?" Kiara looked down at her watch. "You missed our breakfast plans. I guess you were too into things this morning."

"You could have just called," Killian grabbed a fresh shirt out of the closet and pulled it over his head.

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