Ch.4 Two side of the same coin

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Chapter 4

"How are you feeling?" Macy asked as she followed Kiara down the hall toward the main office.

"Fabulous," Kiara smiled. "I wasn't sick. Everyone was just overreacting."

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Macy adjusted the strap on her shoulder. "So about the project. It's been two days and we haven't started anything yet."

"When is it due?"

"In two more days."

"Gosh, really?" Kiara frowned. "Don't worry. We'll get it down. Tonight. My room."

"Killian has patrol tonight with Ares and Hayden."

"Oh you're right," Kiara paused. "I can't believe they got into another fight and I missed it! Was it a good fight?"

"I wasn't there."

"Where do you hang out Macy?" Kiara smiled. "I never see you on campus."

"I stay in the library."

"Awww," Kiara placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You are too cute, baby."

Just then a short junior with shaggy brown hair and a crooked smile walked up to them and held up his phone. Macy looked at Kiara as she clapped her hands in excitement.

"Airdrop it to me," Kiara instructed the boy, pulling her phone out of her bag.

"What do I get in return?" The boy, thinking he was pulling some kind of power move, held his phone back and grinned.

The smile from Kiara's lips slipped as her eyes darkened. She took a small step forward and jabbed the boy with her finger.

"You get to stand here and breathe the same air as me," she said. "That's what you get."

Macy looked on as Kiara snatched the phone out of the boy's hand and air dropped something to her cell. Her perfectly manicured nails clicked on the screen as she rolled her eyes with irritation before tossing the phone back and dismissing the boy.

"Wait," he called after her. "Will I be in trouble for this?"

"No," Kiara laughed as she pushed open the office door with her butt. "You will be famous for this. I'm about to change your life."

The boy hesitated as he looked from Kiara to Macy. The quiet girl shifted uncomfortably, not knowing what was happening either.

"Come along, buttercup," Kiara called to her.

"I.....have class," Macy pointed down the hall.

"Yeah so do I. But I need to make morning announcements."

"I don't....."

"You do if I say so," Kiara held the door open for her. "I need your help."

"With what?"

"Holding my purse."

Macy had no idea what the girl was talking about as all the kids in the halls disappeared into their classes and Kiara pulled her into the main office.

"Good morning, Mrs. Deena!" Kiara greeted the secretary. "We have morning announcements from the student council."

"Go right ahead, dear," the secretary pointed to the intercom.

Macy scurried along with Kiara as the girl walked over to the intercom and pulled out her cell phone. She watched with suspicion as the girl opened up a voice recording and cleared her throat. Picking up the receiver, Kiara pressed the code to access all the loudspeakers on campus and smiled.

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