Ch.23 Yellow

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Chapter 23

The sounds of the waves crashing against the shores were the only thing that filled the salty air. Killian's eyes scanned the horizon where the sea met the blue sky and a sense of calm and joy settled over him. His skin prickled from the beating sunlight and the hot sand beneath his feet shimmered like jewels.

Not a single soul was in sight. The gulls flew overhead in circles in search of fish in the water as they sang their off tune songs and flapped their wings. Killian found himself wanting to walk over to the clear blue waters and take a dive to chill his skin. She could almost feel the water rushing up to greet him like an old friend. But just then, a loud gasp ran out beside him as Kiara sat up, clutching her chest and struggling to breath.

"Kia!" Killian turned in alarm. "What's wrong?"

Kiara looked up at the boy sitting under the large yellow umbrella. Her brown eyes were hidden behind a thick blanket of tears and her skin was cold to the touch. Killian cupped her face and moved closer to her as she peered at him and tried to catch her breath.

"I.....there...." she struggled. "There was so much blood."

"Where?" Killian frowned. "Are you hurt?"

"No," Kiara shook her head. " did I get here?"

"I don't know," Killian shrugged. "I don't know how I got here."

Slowly, Kiara looked down at herself and noticed the yellow bikini she was wearing. She frowned when she realized it was not what she had on just moments ago. Killian followed her eyes down and felt his hand around her face tighten.

"Yellow looks good on you," he observed. "You never wear yellow."

"I don't think I owe anything that's yellow."

"Because it reminds you of the sun," Killian laughed.

"I like the sun here," Kiara looked out to the sea.

"Yeah, me too," Killian removed his hand from around her face and laid back against the blanket.

He placed his arm behind his head and laid out the other for Kiara. She sat gazing at him for a few seconds before stretching her legs and laying back. Their bodies met between the sand grains and salty air as they both shivered from each other's touch. Kiara bent her legs and laid on her side to face Killian as he turned his head to smile down at her.

"What?" the butterflies in Kiara's belly began to flutter as Killian watched her.

"Nothing," Killian's voice came out gently. "You're beautiful."

"You're not so bad yourself," Kiara felt her cheeks blush and Killian's body flex instantly beside her.

In a flash, he rose off the blanket and had her pinned beneath him under the umbrella. Kiara gasped as he lowered himself upon her and their bare skin met in all the right places. Killian's hands found their way to her face as he pushed one to the back of her neck and moved her head back. Kiara placed her hands on his arm, her nails just seconds away from digging into him if he did anything else.

"Do you want to go swim with me?" Killian asked. He lowered his mouth and ran his lips along the edge of her face. Kiara became breathless as her toes dug into the sand and her back arched off the blanket.

"N-no," she said.

"But," Killian buried his face in the crook of her neck. Every breath he took appeared on Kiara's skin as goosebumps. "I want to get you wet."

"In the water?" Kiara's eyes fluttered close as her ears began to ring.

"Yes," Killian nodded, his dark hair tickling Kiara and making her squirm. "Or other ways...."

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