Ch.16 Tangled in Strings

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Chapter 16

Killian couldn't get over how incredibly beautiful Kiara looked in that black dress. If she was all over his mind in the present, he would be good for nothing in the future with her looking like that. All he wanted to do was walk over and touch her to know what it felt like to hold perfection.

"We have a lot to do," Clotho cleared her throat. "A lot to see. Shall we?"

Lachesis held Killian's gaze as the corner of her mouth curved up. She could tell what the boy was thinking about. Beside him, Kiara stared at the swollen belly, feeling her heart skittered and stumble.

"I look so cute," she said. "Look at those overalls."

Killian turned to look at Kiara beside him before moving his gaze back to Lachesis. What overalls, he thought.

"Children," Clotho said. "This way please."

Reluctantly, Killian and Kiara looked away from fate and turned to face her sister. Clotho turned on her heels and headed towards the stairs, leaving the two to follow.

"Downstairs are the living quarters," she explained. "Upstairs we keep the threads."

"The threads?" Kiara raised a brow. "The life lines."

"Yes," Clotho nodded. "They arrive from the spindle downstairs and get stored in different rooms based on life expectancy, luck, destines, and so on. You are to never enter these rooms without one of us present."

Killian and Kiara didn't argue. The woman let them to the second floor where she used a large key from a heavy bundle and unlocked a door. She pushed it open and stepped back to usher in the pair.

"Wow," Kiara said as soon as she walked in.

The empty room filled with golden sunlight that poured in through cathedral windows. Dust could be seen floating around as hundreds upon thousands of thread hung from the ceilings. They were all carefully and meticulously placed. No thread touched another. Every single one had exactly half an inch of space between each other.

Clotho stepped into the room and moved down the aisle. The threads swayed slightly as if they were scared to touch her.

"All these lives," she paused at the center of the room and looked around. "Need to be claimed by the end of the week. Some by Killian and others by Kiara."

Killian and Kiara looked at each other and then back at the woman.

"Do not worry," Clotho continued. "You can divide up the task amongst your acolytes. Have you met them yet?"

"No," Killian said.

"Wonderful," Clotho rolled her eyes. "Another task Ezra failed to complete."

"How do we know which one is for me and which one is for him?" Kiara asked.

"Do you see the spindle beside you?" Clotho pointed to where Kiara stood. "Grab the lever. Be careful, do not prick yourself."

Kiara and Killian looked down at the golden spindle beside them. Kiara slowly reached the lever and pushed it forward, just as Clotho had instructed.

Suddenly, everything in the room began to shift. The sound of giant boulders grinding against each other filled the room as the racks of thread shifted. Like a curtain, some pulled back to the wall while others stood still.

"These belong to you," Clotho said, looking at the threads. "The spindle will reveal which life you have to claim."

"Who do we know who they are?" Killian asked.

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