Ch.5 Mothers know best

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Chapter 5

When Kiara was called to the dean's office the next morning, the last person she expected to see in the chair across from Hemingway was her mother.

Posey was not impressed. Her brown eyes were narrowed and her full lips were pressed into a thin line. Just the sight of her made Kiara's throat dry up. The queen of the underworld rose from her seat as her daughter entered the room and looked at Mr. Hemingway.

"Will you please excuse us," Posey said politely.

"Of course," Hemingway rose from his chair and quickly fled from his office. He pulled the door shut behind him, but stood real close to hear what Posey had to say.

"Mom, I ca-"

"You have got to be kidding me," Posey said through her teeth. "Have you lost your goddamn mind, young lady?"

Kiara felt dread and fear wrap around her heart like an itchy blanket. The only time Posey's voice ever turned icy cold was when she let the darkness of the underworld completely slip into her veins.

"Kiara, look at me!" Posey demanded. Kiara's eyes slowly lifted from the floor.

"Do you know why your father isn't here?" Posey asked. "It's because is absolutely heartbroken and disappointed with himself."

Kiara's eyes watered as her mother's words stung her like slaps across the face.

"He's beating himself up over your actions," Posey said. "He blames himself for your upbringing. But, let's get one thing straight young lady, let's get it very straight. This mess is no one else's fault but yours. You are old enough to know right from wrong and I am horrified that you would stoop so low."

"Mom, she-"

"I do not care, Kiara!" Posey's voice rose and her eyes darkened. "I do not care what Shelby did. I care about what my daughter did."

"I'm sorry," Kiara's heart trembled.

"You owe Shelby an apology," Posey said. "You owe the school an apology and you owe your father an apology."

Kiara nodded her head.

"And not your quick sugar coated empty apology," Posey said sternly. "You have to mean it because if you ever do something this outrageous and think we will let you get away with it, then you are in for a very rude and loud wake up call my dear."

"Yes," Kiara nodded her head once more.

"Do not think just because your father and I coddle you, we will turn a blind eye to your behavior," Posey warned. "I spoke to Mr. Hemingway. You will be serving your detentions under Charon."

Kiara nodded. Her heart had disappeared from her body and was replaced by a cold hollow feeling. The thought of her parents being in grief over her actions was like poison in her body. She felt desperate and restless to do everything in her power to make things better.

"And what is this I hear about you and Killian skipping classes?" Posey continued. "Who's idea was it?"

"Mine!" Kiara jumped in quickly. "It was my idea. I didn't want to see Shelby in class. I convinced Killian to take me to town. He told me it was a bad idea but I made him."

"I need to talk to him too."

"Why?" Kiara frowned.

A new layer of fear gripped her heart. She didn't want her parents thinking Killian was a bad influence on her. He was her best friend and he did nothing but keep her safe and keep her sane. She couldn't allow her parents to change their views of him. He didn't deserve that. He was innocent.

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