Ch.22 Spilled Coffee

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Chapter 22

"Do you plan on going inside?"

Kiara jumped as Brody's voice spooked her from behind. She had been standing by the entrance of the training field wondering if her mind was strong enough to handle seeing Killian. Earlier, she saw him go into the locker room, which allowed her only ten minutes to decide what she wanted to do before he changed and made his way onto the field.

"Sorry," Kiara muttered to Brody as she moved out of his way.

"Are you coming?" the boy asked, holding the gate open for her.

Kiara's eyes flickered up the locker room entrance. Killian proved to be quicker than usual. He had changed within five minutes and was sprinting down the stairs with his water bottle in his hand. He was headed over to the tracks when his eyes caught on Brody and Kiara standing by the gate.

"I...." Kiara let go of the door as her heart started to panic. She tried to take a step back and ran out but as soon as she turned, she came face to face with Ares' broad shoulders.

"You missed too many classes," the god said with disapproval as he placed his hand on Kiara's shoulder and turned her around.

"I don't feel so good," Kiara lied. "I have a headache."

"Oh no," Ares frowned. "That's so sad. You think I care."

"Ares," Kiara tried to move away from his grip. "I'll be back tomor-"

"You have five minutes to go change and be on the mats or I'm going to make you run laps on Saturday and Monday mornings."

Kiara's eyes widened. Brody stared at the god before picking up Kiara's gym bag and taking her hand.

"Let's go," he tugged.

"I'm going to throw up," Kiara shivered.

"As long as it's not on my mats, we're good, little dove," Ares' eyes narrowed.

"Kiara, let's go," Brody gave Ares a tight smile before pulling the girl away.

"I really don't feel good," Kiara was stunned by how quickly her body started to exhibit symptoms.

"Do you need water? Do you want to sit down?" Brody paused as he looked at the girl over his shoulder. "You're a bit pale."

"I think I'm going to throw up."

"Oh boy," Brody rushed to find the nearest trash can.

"Kia?" Killian's voice came from a few feet away.

Brody looked up as Kiara stilled. Her hand covered her mouth and her eyes grew wide as saucers. Behind her, Killian took long strides to approach them as Kiara quickly grabbed her bag from Brody and looked towards the locker room.

"Kiara," Killian called to her once more but the girl had already made a mad dash for the other side of the field.


"I need to change," Kiara called over her shoulder as she ran towards the locker room.

Killian looked at Brody before looking back at Kiara running away. He started to feel himself grow cranky and irritated with how difficult everything was becoming. He just wanted to talk to her. A part of him knew once she finally gave him the time of day he would have nothing to say, but the thought of never speaking to her again made his insides turn.

"Killian," Ares blew his whistle. "Let's go!"

Reluctantly, Killian picked up his feet and began to jog away from where he stood starting at the locker room doors. His mind was scattered and his legs ached to run faster. He knew he would be able to push out all the extra energy in him if he picked up his speed. But Killian kept his speed to a slow crawl. He needed to make sure he could catch Kiara as soon as she came out of the locker room.

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