Ch.25 Puzzle pieces

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Chapter 25

"Ask him where she is," Birdie said as they stood in the middle of the street staring at the fury.

"Pss, hey," Kiara clapped her hands to gain the beast's attention. She took a small step forward and lowered herself just enough to look into it's black eyes. "Where's Macy?"

Macy Macy Macy

"Yes," Killian said. "Where is she?'

The fury rose up and flapped his wings. A cloud of smoke appeared under its feet before it vanished into thin air. Kiara groaned as she stood up and ran a hand through her hair.

Macy Macy Macy

The beast chanted from a few yards away. It had reappeared beside the lamp post and flapped its wings impatiently.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Birdie shook her head. "Speak! Use words!"

"I'm going to go with him," Kiara took a small step forward.

"What? No!" Killian jumped forward and pulled her back. "Absolutely not."

"That's a dumb idea," Birdie agreed. "We have no idea where it will lead you."

"What's the worst that can happen?" Kiara asked. "I can't die."

Killian flinched from her words as he held onto her arm to keep her from running off to the fury. He looked down at her brown eyes and felt a rush of adrenaline run up his spine.

"I'll go with him," Kiara said calmly. "Then open a portal for you guys."

"I'll go," Killian said. "Give me the ring."

"I don't want to go first," Birdie shook her head. "You two hash it out."

"Kia," Killian tugged at Kiara's hand. "Give me the ring."

Kiara hesitated as she looked over her shoulder at the fury. It's chants tugged at her heart and made her feel as if they were running out of time. Macy's name was the only thing running through her mind. She quietly took the ring off her finger and slipped it onto Killian's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Birdie said as she started at the pair. "You may now kiss the bride."

Killian ignored the jinn's comment as he stepped around Kiara and headed towards the fury. He approached with caution as if he was walking towards a wild bird. His steps were firm and watchful. He held up his hands before him to show the beast he meant no harm.

Macy? The fury tilted it's bald head to one side, eyeing Killian.

"Take me to Macy," Killian said.

Kiara and Birdie huddled closer as they watched Killian reach out and place a hand on the fury's leathery wing. Within seconds, smoke started to rise from the ground before whisking away the boy and the beast. Birdie gripped Kiara's hand as the girl gasped.

"He's kind of cute," Birdie looked at Kiara. "The fury. Not Killian."

Kiara raised a brow.

"It's ugly as hell," Birdie laughed. "But cute in a scary disgusting way."

"I'll get you one for Christmas," Kiara turned away as she began to count the seconds until the portal opened from wherever Killian had gone.

"He can't die, right?" Birdie asked, staring at the empty street.

"A good blow through the heart can kill any fury," Kiara said. "Or you tear off their wings."

"I was talking about Killian."

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