Ch. 35 California King

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Chapter 35 ( My inspiration for this chapter.) 

As the week progressed Macy was sent home with her parents. Before she left, she invited Killian, Kiara and Birdie over for dinner, making them promise they would visit until she was back on campus. Kiara was sad to see her go, but she understood why her parents wanted her near.

"I'll be back soon," Macy said as Kiara walked her to the car. "And you and Killian will visit, right?"

"Of course," Kiara nodded. "I know I will....I can't speak for Killian."

"What do you mean?"

Kiara sighed as she pushed her hands into her back pocket and shrugged, "I think he's avoiding me."

Macy frowned as she stared at the girl in front of her. She couldn't be the only one who was confused as to where the real Kiara was.

"Kia..." Macy said, unable to help herself.


"You've changed."

"What do you mean?" Kiara laughed.

"I mean you're not yourself anymore," Macy adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "You're always lost in your head and the way you are with Brody..."

"How am I with Brody?"

"I don't know how to describe it," Macy said. "It makes me uncomfortable to see you two together."

"You only feel that because you want Killian and me to be together."

"Maybe," Macy confessed. "But you're not yourself with Brody."

"People change," Kiara kicked at the ground. "I like Brody."

Macy wasn't convinced. She stared at Kiara wishing she could tell her to break up with Brody and go to California with Killian. She knew deep down that's what Kiara really wanted.

"You'll feel better once you hang around us more," Kiara promised. "This is all just new to you. Brody and I are fine."

"I hope so," Macy said before she climbed into the car and waved goodbye.

Kiara stood outside and watched the mini red car drive off. The gates started to close but Kiara remained standing in the driveway. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and knew without looking it was Brody.

"Hi, my love," he cooed as soon as she picked up.

"Hi," Kiara smiled as she walked back to her room. "What's up?"

"Do you have any plans for this weekend?"

"No, not really," Kiara had marked her calendar for when Killian would be leaving for California. She eyed the red circle around Friday and began to feel her heart contract.

"Great," Brody laughed. "We're having dinner with my family."

"What?" Kiara snapped out of her head.

"My parents are coming in for the weekend to visit and I thought we could go down to their hotel and have dinner with them."

"Oh..." Kiara walked over to her bed and sat down.

"Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah," Kiara nodded. "That's okay."

"Perfect," Brody cheered. "I'll pick you up. Wear something cute."

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