Ch. 40 Smiles

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Chapter 40

Killian pulled Kiara behind him immediately as his mother stepped closer. Azazel raised a brow as she stared at her son with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Killian asked. "How did you get out?"

"I was set free," Azazel smiled. "Free as a bird."

"But who?" Killian demand.

"By me."

All three stured to the deep voice that came from behind Azazel. Her red hair blew in the wind as she turned to look over her shoulder at the tall figure standing with his broad shoulders held back and head held high.

"I've set her free," the figure, Zeus, said.

"Why would you do that?" Killian asked, backing up Kiara as if he expected his mother to strike any moment.

"The fates wanted her out," Zeus said.

"The fates?" Kiara looked around Killian's shoulder. "What the hell?"

"I no longer carry death," Azazel shrugged. "Without the madness, I'm just a regular mortal."

"You're anything but," Killian's eyes darkened.

"Killian, we need to talk about what happ-"

"There is nothing you can say that will make any of this better!" Killian yelled. "What you did to Kiara.....I can never forgive you for that."

"I did it for you!" Azazel stepped forward. "Why can't you believe that I would never want any of this for you?"

"Don't put this on me," Killian shook his head. "You did not do this for me."

"I didn't know the little dove would have you under her thumb like this," Azazel scruffed. "I saw an opportunity to save you and I took it. Sue me for thinking of my child."

"I cannot believe you're trying to justify what you did."

"What's going on here?"

Kiara looked over her shoulder as Tobias and Posey rushed out into the garden. They slowed as their eyes fell on Azazel and Cerberus growled once more.

"Zeus," Tobias' tone was harsh and unfriendly. "What are you doing here?"

"The fates wanted me to release Azazel," Zeus turned to his brother.

Posey gasped as Tobias' eyes hardened, "You have got to be kidding me."

"She's no longer a threat," Zeus said. "She does not hold any power."

"She'll always be a threat," Killian said. "You don't know here. She doesn't need magic to create hell."

"Killian!" Azazel's eyes widened. "You will not speak to me like that."

"Where is dad?" Killian asked.

Azazel closed her mouth and pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Where is he?" Killian asked once more as Posey moved forward to place a calming hand on his shoulder. "Did you kill him?"

"No," Azazel's eyes darkened. "He was sent back."

"Sent back?"

"You father has been dead for centuries," Zeus declared. "Hector was sent back to where his soul needs to rest."

"You couldn't send her with him?" Killian pointed to his mother.

"That's it, young man!" Azazel snapped. "You will not stand here and disrespect me for saving your li-"

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