Ch.13 All Hallows' Eve

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Chapter 13

Kiara and Killian sat at the back of the spacious church as Emily's family gathered in front of the little girl's casket. The candles at the altar flickered in the slight breeze that blew in through the open doors. The cold made Kiara shiver in her black lace dress. She removed her hand from Killian's and wrapped her arms around herself. Killian looked over as soon as Kiara let go of his hand.

"Do you want my coat?" he whispered.

Kiara nodded her head. She bit down on the inside of her cheeks as Killian removed his black coat and draped it over her shoulders. He then proceeded to place his arm around her and pull her a bit closer.

"Should we go offer our condolences?" Kiara asked, watching Emily's mother weep.

"Do you want to?"

Kiara nodded her head.

"Then we'll go up after the service," Killian said. "Thanks for coming with me, by the way."

"Of course," Kiara said.

"You didn't have to," Killian looked down at her. The light from the candles in the church flickered across her face, giving her cheeks a warm golden glow. "Especially not on your birthday."

"I had planned to come even before you asked me," Kiara sighed and leaned back against the boy.

"Have anything planned for the big day?"

"No," Kiara shook her head.

"It's your 18th birthday," Killian frowned. "You've been talking about it since we were like 12."

"It doesn't seem that important anymore."

"Don't let everything going on ruin the day for you."

"It's not," Kiara looked down at her hands.

"Lies," Killian shook his head. "Shame on you, Kiara Tobias, for lying in a church."

"What's gonna happen?" Kiara snorted quietly. "I'll be damned to hell?"

"That's not really a punishment, is it?" Killian chuckled.

"Nope," Kiara shook her head. "My daddy runs the place."

"Then maybe we should reverse Uno and send you up to mount Olympus."

"Now that would be tragic," Kiara stared straight ahead.

Killian nodded as he looked down at Kiara's hand. He began to play with the charms on her bracelet as she took slow deep breaths and devoted her attention to the service. After a few minutes he turned and tucked Kiara's head under his chin. She peacefully rested her head on his shoulder as their hands held each other.

"Ezra stopped me after my training yesterday," she said slowly.


"He wanted me to give you something," Kiara reached into her purse and pulled out a set of keys.

She held them out for Killian but he did not take it. He knew what the keys were too and he had no intention of accepting it. He had already told Ezra no and it began to irk him that the man had gone to Kiara.

"He said something about a family home in Tuscany," Kiara turned the keys over.

"I know," Killian's mood darkened. "Do you remember all the paintings my mother did inside her box?"


"They are about the house in Tuscany," Killian sighed. "I don't want that house. I already told Ezra no."

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