Ch.24 Icy

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Chapter 24

Birdie laid on her stomach on Kiara's bed as she watched the girl do the belt of her heels.

"Are you sure you want to wear the heels?" she asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Kiara looked up. "I always wear heels."

"You always wear heels with Killian," Birdie corrected her. "Because he's tall. Brody is not so tall."

"This is the third comment you made about Killian," Kiara rolled her eyes as she got up from the vanity and turned to face the mirror. "If you have nothing good to say, you can leave."

"I'm just making observations," Birdie rolled over in bed.

"No one asked you to make observations," Kiara sighed. "You're not going to change my mind. I'm going on this date."

"Even if Killian knocks on your door right now and tells you he's in love with you and can't function without you in his life and you occupy every single one of his thoughts day and life?"

"Not happening," Kiara laughed.

Just then, with the most accurate timing, a knock on the door hushed the girls. Kiara's heart leaped up into her throat. She looked at Birdie and the girl wiggled her brows.

"Go open the door," Birdie whispered. "Prince Charming is here."

"Shut up," Kiara hissed back as she walked over and pulled the door open.

No matter how hard Kiara had tried to not let Birdie's words get to her, there was still a part of her heart that had hoped it was Killian at the door. But as she looked on, Brody flashed her his charming dimple smile and held out the bouquet of red roses he held.

"Hello, beautiful," he said.

"Hi," Kiara blushed, taking the roses.

Somewhere in the room, Birdie groaned.

"Hey, Birdie," Brody looked around Kiara and waved to the girl.

"Haeum," Birdie said unintelligently as she gave a tiresome wave.

Brody turned back to Kiara and looked her up and down.

"You look beautiful," he whistled.

"Thank you," Kiara laughed.

"Ready to go?"

"Just one second."

Kiara rushed into the room and set the flowers down on the vanity. Birdie raised a brow as she watched the girl run into her closet and yank off her heels. Brody peeked into the room as Kiara switched out her red bottoms for some comfortable ankle boots. When done she walked towards Brody and paused to look at Birdie.

"Can you please lock up when you leave?" she asked.

"Sure," Birdie nodded.

She remained on the bed as Kiara placed her hand in Brody's and walked out of the room together. The boy looked as if he was flying over the moon, but the girl on his arms looked a bit unsure. It was all the hint Birdie needed to jump off the bed as soon as the pair left and make her way over to the second floor. As she pulled on her coat, Birdie banged her fists on the door repeatedly, not missing a second.

"What the fuck?" Killian yelled as he yanked his door open.

"They're leaving," Birdie pointed to the stairwell.

"Who's leaving?" Killian raised a brow.

"The love of your life is leaving with another man!"

Killian's eyes darkened as his jaw clenched. He started at Birdie for a few seconds before stepping back and trying to close the door.

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