Ch. 39 We Should...

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Chapter 39

"It's not her fault," Killian said as soon as Clare walked into her office. "I started it. Brody pissed me off. I should ha-"

"Killian," Clare paused. "You do know that I can tell when people lie to me, right?"

Kiara slid farther into her seat as she felt those gray eyes land on her.

"And Kiara?" Clare raised a brow. "You're going to let him take the blame for you?"

"No!" Kiara sat up. "I was about to tell you it wasn't tr-"

"I already know what happened," Clare held up her hand. "Save your breath."

"Then you know what Brody is going around saying about Kia and me?" Killian asked.

"You can't beat up people for talking shit about you," Clare's voice was stern and hard. "If the world worked like that we would all be walking around with black eyes."

"He's spreading rumors," Killian pushed. "I'm pretty sure that's breaking some kind of student hand book rules."

"I'm sure it is," Clare sighed.

"It's bullying," Killian said.

"And Kiara beating him up isn't?"

"I was defending myself," Kiara spoke up.

"That's not going to hold in court," Clare shook her head.

"He's taking me to court?"

"If he wanted to," Clare said slowly. "You saying you were defending yourself wouldn't hold in court. Because you attacked him first."

"Not without reason," Killian said. "He provoked her."

"Are you her lawyer?" Clare pressed her lips into a thin line. "My god, Killian."

"I'm just throwing all charges against the wall," the boy shrugged. "And see what sticks."

"Nothing," Clare's voice rose slightly. "Kiara is in the wrong. She physically assaulted him. She needs to face the consequences."

"Assault is a little too far," Killian tried his luck but stopped when Kiara nudged him with her knee.

He turned to look at her as she scooted forward to the edge of her seat and cleared her throat. Her hair had long dried and hung wildly around her face. Killian wanted to lose his hands in the glossy mess and pull her lips to his. He could still taste the water from them.

"I'm sorry, Clare," Kiara said slowly. "I may have overreacted. I'll take responsibility and accept any punishment you give me."

"Brody or his parents might press charges," Clare said. "I've already spoken to your father. He will take care of any legal issues."

Kiara slowly nodded. She didn't have to worry about her parents. Once they heard what the boy was saying about her, she feared they would go after Brody themselves.

"And as for campus rules," Clare sighed as she took a seat. "You are suspended from the student council. You will use the hours to make up for combat training you are missing."

"Okay," Kiara nodded. Things could have been much worse.

"I can help her with the missing classes," Killian offered.

"Thank you," Clare smiled. "But absolutely not. Hayden will help her."

"Why Hayden?"

"It's either Hayden or she goes to base with Ares."

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