Ch.17 Gods

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Chapter 17

Killian and Kiara sat in Clare's office as Tobias paced the floors in front of them. He held his hands behind his back as he muttered under his breath, shaking his head every few seconds. Posey, who sat beside Kiara sighed impatiently as she waited for her husband to speak.

"This is why I did not want you to come to Donates," the god of the underworld finally spoke up.

"Tobias, th-" Ares, who leaned against the windows tried to speak.

"You can't keep her in the underworld because the world above is full of bad people," Posey frowned.

"Yes, actually, I can," Tobias snapped. "Did you see Mr. and Mrs. Rivers outside? Did you see the pain in their eyes? Their daughter is missing."

"And my heart breaks for them, Tobias," Posey's eyes hardened. "But you can use this as an excuse to further your own agenda to bring Kiara back home. She is an adult now. A new adult. She did nothing wrong by going out with her friends."

"Posey," Tobias shook his head. "You don't understand. I see those people outside and I can't help but think that could have been you and me."

"I would never let anything happen to her," Killian spoke up. "She would have never left my sight."

"You're not going to always be there," Tobias sighed.

"And neither will you," Ares pointed out. "You can't keep Kiara in the underworld because you're scared of the what if's."

"How can you say that?" Tobias looked at the god of war. "You have a daughter too."

"Exactly why we need to do our part better and make this world safe. If gods can't protect their daughters, then what hopes will others have? I am not going to limit Cara because we failed humanity."

"Dad..." Kiara looked up for the first time. Her eyes had grown red and puffy from all the tears she had shed for her friend. "I'm sorry."

Tobias caved. He silently walked over to his daughter and kneeled in front of her taking her hands, he kissed each one before wiping her tears.

"Macy didn't want to go," Kiara's voice shook. "I forced her to go with me. This is all my fault."

"No, baby," Posey cupped her daughter's face and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "This is not your fault."

"We'll find her," Tobias promised.

"On Earth," Kiara said. "Not in the underworld."

"We'll find her on earth," Tobias made his promise very clear. "Until then, will you come home?"

Kiara lifted her eyes and looked over at Killian.

"I can't...." she said, her voice breaking.

"Please, just for a day or two," Tobias pleaded as he looked at Killian. "Both of you. Come home."
"They can't," Posey said gently as she placed a hand on her husband's hand. "They have work to do here."

"Posey's right," Ares said. "And with the new girl here we need everyone. Especially Killian."

"What do you mean?" Tobias looked over his shoulder.

Ares sighed as he walked over to Clare's desk and picked up the file, "Her name is Arla. Arla Lucania. And she will only speak to Killian."

"Why?" Posey asked.

"He saved her life," Ares said. "Kiara was sent there to claim her life. Something changed at the last second and Killian appeared."

"Did you speak to the fates?" Tobias looked at Killian.

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