Ch. 36 Stardust

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Chapter 36

Killian sat leaned back against Kiara's wall with her on his lap and her head on his shoulder. She had stopped crying hours ago but neither one wanted to get up or move.

Her tears had tried on her cheeks and her hands had stopped shaking. Killian held one over his heart as she stared at the way he played with her fingers. Every few seconds she would take in a deep breath and sigh. Killian would pull her closer and brush her hair off her face. The morning turned into afternoon as the two dwelled in the silent room.

After some time, when they could hear kids returning from classes, Kiara slowly began to stir. Killian watched her as she sat up and looked at her door with a deep frown on her face. She tucked her hair behind her ears and turned her tired eyes towards him.

"I have to go see Brody," she said, her voice breaking.

Killian's jaw clenched at the mention of the boy. His hands around her tightened as his brows furrowed and his lips pressed into a thin line.

"After everything, Kia?" Killian asked. "He's not good for you. I will kill him the next time I see him, you know that right? You can hate me all you want, but I can't un-hear everything he said ab-"

"I'm breaking up with him."

Killian paused and shut his mouth. He peered into Kiara's eyes to see if she was serious or if she would break down into tears once more. But when she lifted her lashes and her brown eyes greeted him, he knew her mind had been made up for hours.

"I can't keep seeing him," she said. "It's not fair to him that I constantly think of someone else."

Killian held onto Kiara's hand tightly as she shook her head and looked at the sunlight coming through the window. Her lips quivered slightly for a second making Killian's chest pain all over again. But before she broke down, she composed herself and took in a deep breath.

"I don't know who I've become," she said. "I don't feel like myself because I'm too busy trying to be someone else......"

Her eyes slowly turned to Killian. He raised his free hand and placed it against her cheeks. Kiara leaned into the touch and tilted her head.

"I don't want to be this girl that doesn't think about you 24/7," Kiara whispered.

Killian's heart contracted in his chest as he raised his legs, causing Kiara to fall against his chest. Her hands rested over his heart as she looked up. He cupped her face and leaned his forehead against her, wanting to brush his lips over her mouth.

"Killian....." Kiara said his name as she filled her lungs with air.

"Yes?" Killian watched as she closed her eyes.

"I messed up," Kiara frowned. "I was too stubborn and I messed up. Brody was a huge mistake."

"It's my fault," Killian said. "None of this is your fault. You only reacted to my foolishness."

"But you're not foolish," Kiara opened her eyes. "You have a lot going on that you never told me."

"And I let that get in the way of the only good thing I had in my life," Killian said. "I don't want this life without you. I don't want any of it."

"Do you mean that..." Kiara's eyes began to water once more.

"I do," Killian nodded. "I want you. I'm addicted to you. With everything you do. Every little thing, Kia. I'm in love with you-"

The two souls froze as the words stumbled out of Killian's lips.

Kiara looked up with a small silent gasp, causing Killian's heart to freeze. Her eyes were wide and alert, watching him....waiting and expecting him to take the words back. But Killian didn't want to....

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