Ch.3 Dollhouse

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Chapter 3

"105," the doctor said as she took Kiara's temperature for the third time. "And you don't feel any different?"

"No," Kiara shook her head.

"Kiara," Killian frowned from the foot of the bed. "You're running a fever of 105. How do you not feel any different?"

"Maybe I'm just hot as hell," Kiara laughed.

Killian was not amused. He looked at the doctor as the woman jotted down a quick prescription.

"Take these every six hours," she said. "And plenty of rest. I'll send an email to your teachers to excuse you until you feel better."

"I do feel better," Kiara insisted. "I do not need to stay in bed."

"She'll stay in bed," Killian took the prescription. Before picking up Kiara's shoes and her purse.

"I'll check in to make sure you are not developing any other symptoms and I'll also let you know what shows up on your blood work."

"Thank you, doctor," Killian said.

He waited until the woman was out of the room to sink down on the chair beside the bed and swing Kiara's legs onto his lap. She tried to protest as he slipped her heels back on and sat her feet down on the ground.

"Do you want soup?" he asked as she got off the bed with a deep frown.

"No," Kiara shook her head.

"Tea? Cake?"

"I don't want anything."

"Then you need a nap."

"You're being absolutely ridiculous," Kiara rolled her eyes as she walked out of the infirmary with Killian following behind her.

When she tried to head toward the lawn, the boy steered her back towards the dorms. She muttered under her breath about not getting to show off her outfit as he pushed her up the stairs and then into her room on the second floor.

"You wanna change?" Killian asked pointing to the dress Kiara wore.

"Yes, obviously!" Kiara sassed. "This is Prada. You do not nap in Prada."

Killian held himself together for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

"What?" Kiara asked. "What's so funny?"

"Didn't you make me watch a movie about that?" Killian laughed. "The devil wears prada."

"That is an iconic movie!" Kiara yanked open her closet door. "I'm not even going to get offended that you just called me the devil."

"We grew up in the underworld," Killian laid across her bed as she pulled out her pajamas and walked to the bathroom. "Your dad is Hades!"

"He's not the devil!"

"Are you planning on going to the halloween dance?"

"I don't know yet," Kiara said from the bathroom. "Why?"

"I just think it's going to be stupid."


"We don't have to go."

"I have to plan it anyway with the student council."

Kiara came out of the bathroom in a blank tank top and matching shorts. She walked across her room to the dresser as she took off her earrings and necklace. Killian sat up in bed and picked at his fingernails.

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