Ch.34 Cheerleader

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Chapter 34

Kiara had no idea how long she stood in the doorway for. But she couldn't wrap her mind around what she saw.

Macy raised her hand and pushed back the dark hair from her face. She smiled awkwardly at Kiara, not knowing what to say as the girl just stood staring with tears in her eyes.


"Yeah," Macy nodded her head. "Hey..."

"How....what...." Kiara felt her heart beat so fast she feared it was hitting the side of her ribs.

"Kiara," Clare's voice startled the weeping girl. Kiara whirled around and found Clare standing behind her with a small smile on her lips.

"Macy..." was all Kiara could say.

"I know," Clare nodded.

"How?" Kiara's throat tightened. "Is she like Ben?"

Clare's eyes looked at Macy over Kiara's shoulder, "No.....that's Macy."

"How is this possible?" Kiara looked back at the girl.

"What are you guys talking about?" Macy raised a brow.

"Give us a moment, love," Clare reached out and closed the door. She guided Kiara away to one side of the hall and sat her down on the chairs by the front of the elevators.

"Is that really Macy?" Kiara asked.

"Yes," Clare nodded.

"What's happening?"

"It was Killian," Clare sighed. "He didn't take her."

Clare's words had a strange effect on Kiara. She felt her chest grow light yet still contract in the most painful way possible.

"I saw him sit with Macy for hours," Clare continued. "Then when he finally left, she woke up from her coma.....her vitals have been steady ever since."

"Have you told her parents?"

"Yes," Clare smiled. "They were with her all day yesterday."

"Where's Killian?"

"I'm not sure," Clare reached out and wiped the tears from Kiara's face.

"What will happen now?" Kiara asked, her heart shaking. "With the fates? With Macy and Killian?"

"You will have to ask him," Clare said. "Or the fates...."

Kiara didn't say anything as she stared at Clare's wild gray eyes. Her mind was running at lightning speed as she thought of the room with the tangled strings and broken racks.

"I think now would be a good time to go back and see the fates," Clare pushed. "They can answer your questions."

Kiara nodded slowly. The idea of seeing the fates made her insides twist with anger and frustration. She saw flashes of blood and fear in innocent eyes. People looked at her with hopelessness as they took their last breath in front of her.

"Kiara, I know it's hard," Clare said. "But we all have a purpose. And we all have responsibilities."

"I just.....I....I hate it," Kiara shook her head.

"I know," Clare nodded. "Trust me....I know how you feel. But running from it won't make anything better."

Kiara began to feel restless sitting beside Clare. She couldn't form her thoughts into words as the memories of tangled strings kept coming back to her. She sat staring at the floor and biting the inside of her cheeks.

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