Ch.14 Silent

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In case you wanted to listen to the music that inspired this chapter :) 

Chapter 14

As the loud ringing in Kiara's ears came to a stop, her lips parted from Brody slowly. The boy looked completely dazed as he opened his eyes and wondered what in the world had just happened. He gazed into Kiara's brown eyes and witnessed his bewildered expression first hand. His hands moved to her waist as he lowered his head once more to taste her warm sweet lips. Kiara didn't object as she let him kiss her.

"Dude!" Killian pulled at Brody's shoulder. "What the fuck?"

As Killian shoved Brody away from Kiara, she jumped in between them and pushed Killian back. He tried to grab Brody over her shoulder but her eyes switched to gold.

"Don't you dare!" She threatened him.

"Kiara," Killian couldn't form words.

He saw red as the image of the two of them kissing made every inch of him feel as if someone had poured hot lava all over him. He gaped like a fish out of water, his angry and baffled eyes bouncing back and forth. Everyone around him stood silently, holding their breath or ready to jump out of the way should the boys start fighting.

"Can I speak to you outside for a moment?" Killian asked Kiara.

"No," she said, reaching back for Brody's hand.

Killian watched as the boy forwarded his hand and held her fingers. When his eyes snapped up to Brody, the boy quickly tried to let go, but Kiara held on.

"Kiara, your eyes are glowing," Killian reminded her. "I think you need some air."

"You don't know what I need," Kiara laughed. "I know what I need and it is not you."

"Kia, c-"

"Brody, are you going to ask me to dance or do I need to go find someone else?" Kiara turned her face to look over her shoulder.

Brody blinked several times before clearing his throat, "Do you wanna dance?"

"I would love to," Kiara smiled.

As she was about to place her hand in his and have him lead her to the dance floor, Killian leaped forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her away from Brody and summoned a portal. Before Kiara could protest, he lifted her off the ground and vanished out of the ballroom.

Kiara let out a scream as they materialized in the rose garden behind the campus. The full moon and the festival lights lit up the grounds as the pair stepped out from the portals and onto the gazebo.

"Let me see your eyes," Killian reached for Kiara's face.

"Don't you dare touch me," Kiara said through her teeth as she took a step back and held up her finger.

"Calm down, Kia. You're ge-"

"Calm down? Calm down?" Kiara shouted. "Don't tell me to calm down, Killian. I can't calm down. You just humiliated me!"

"If you had listened instead of running off then I wouldn't have portaled you!" Killian shouted back.

"You think that was humiliating?" Kiara laughed. "Megan was humiliating, you stupid boy."


"If you're about to ask me how I am going to punch you."

Killian shut his mouth and glared. Kiara's eyes had returned to normal but the anger in them had not vanished. She huffed and puffed like an angry dragon standing under the gazebo. Goosebumps rose on her skin as her burning skin mixed with the cold wind.

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