Ch. 12 Emily

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Chapter 12

"Zephyr?" Mason raised a brow.

"Yeah," Kiara nodded her head. "I think that's what the name plate said."

"Project Zephyr," Mason declared as he gathered the photographs. "One of the projects the team was working on."

"What was it?"

"That's classified information."

"Agent Cox, are we all done here?" Amanda checked her watch.

"Yes, ma'am," Mason nodded. "We're all done."

"Thank you," Amanda turned to look at Kiara and Killian. "I'm sure you two can return to class now."

"I'll see you around," Kiara draped her arm around the woman and pulled her in a side hug.

"Kiara," Mason spoke up as everyone stood up. "Thank you for your help. If you remember anything, here is my card."

Kiara reached across the table and took the small white card the man offered. She slipped it into her purse as Killian placed his hand on her lower back and ushered her out of the office. But as soon as they were in the halls, she took his hand and pushed it off.

"What?" Killian asked, confused.

"What the hell?" Kiara scolded as she grabbed his bruised knuckles and held them up between them. "Are you serious? Was this really necessary? Do you want to get expelled?"

"That's a lot of questions to answer at once," Killian grinned as he leaned back against the lockers.

"I handled Jacob," Kiara said. "His comments did not bother me."

"They bothered me."

"Everything bothers you, Killian!"

"Especially you," Killian flicked Kiara's forehead.

"Stop it!" Kiara snatched his hand away.

"Make me," Killian chuckled.

"You already have two strikes. One more and you get expelled."

"Oh really?" Killian teased. "You mean I can finally have some peace and quiet without you bossing me around?"

As Killian said the words, he realized he was pushing Kiara's buttons a bit too much. Her face dropped and a deep frown formed on her face. He straightened up and tried to take her hand, but Kiara shook him away.

"I'm sorry," he said immediately.

"You'll have your peace and quiet when you move to California in the fall," Kiara turned to leave.

"Kia," Killian reached out and grabbed her hand.

When Kiara tried to pull away, Killian tugged harder and moved her against the locker. She refused to look up at him. Killian could tell she was fuming. She folded her arms across her chest and glared up at him.

"Don't call me Kia," she said. "I hate that name."

"Stop pouting."

"You can't tell me what to do?"

"I'm your legal guardian, remember?" Killian grinned. "You have to call me daddy now."

"Ew!" Kiara pushed at his chest but he did not budge. Instead, he began to laugh as she huffed and puffed.

"Come here," Killian chuckled and tucked her under his arm. When Kiara tried to walk away, he grabbed her waist and pulled her back. "Kia, stop."

"Stop calling me that!" Kiara clicked her tongue.

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