Ch.6 Golden

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Chapter 6

Dinner with Tobias and Posey was a huge mistake. Kiara could not swallow even a bite as her parents shunned her. She quietly ate dinner, answered their questions about school, and listened to their conversations. By the end of it, she was itching to get back to school.

When she mentioned she was ready to go back, Tobias nodded and opened a portal for her. Kiara walked past her father and looked at him, hoping he would crack a smile. But Tobias's stone cold face remained unchanged. She had really done it this time.

Stepping through the portal, Kiara expected to arrive in an empty room. She had thought her night was going to be filled with her guilt eating her up. But Killian had other ideas.

The boy was asleep on her bed. He left space for her on her side and from the look of it, it seemed as if he had tried to stay up, but failed miserably. Kiara smiled as she walked over to the bed and pulled the covers over him. Killian immediately stirred and picked up his sleepy head.

"Hey," he said, his voice groggy.

"Sorry," Kiara whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine," Killian shook his head and sat up slowly. "I was trying to stay up."

"Go back to sleep. I'm just going to change and then j-"

"I have something for you," Killian yawned.

"What?" Kiara laughed. She watched the sleepy boy scratch the back of his head and groan as he rolled over and pulled up a bag from the floor.

"What is this?" Kiara asked as Killian switched on the bedside lamp.

"Open it," Killian smiled.

A little suspicious and a little nervous, Kiara reached into the large bag and pulled out a shoe box. Her eyes widened as she saw Christian Louboutin written across the top.

"Killian!" Kiara jumped onto the bed and sat back on her legs.

She threw the box open and gasped at the stunning pair of strappy spiked red bottoms. Killian's smile widened as Kiara lifted a shoe and squealed.

"Thank you!" She beamed. "But why...."

"You had to throw out the other pair from the accident," Killian shrugged. "And because your birthday is coming up...."

Kiara's squeal grew as the boy pulled another box out.

"Stop it!" Kiara dropped the first box to make space for the second one.

"And also," Killian pulled out another box. "Last one......just because I felt like it."

"Oh my god!" Kiara flung herself forward and wrapped her arms around the sleepy boy. She kissed his cheek and thanked him continuously.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Do you like them?"

"I love them!" Kiara quickly kicked off her sneakers and slipped on a pair of her new red bottoms. She kicked her leg up and admired the gorgeous view. "Oh I could go to sleep in these?"

"In just those?" Killian looked up in confusion. His mind was filled with sleep and his eyes were pouring out whatever he couldn't keep in.

"No......" Kiara looked at him and paused. "In my pajamas too."

"Right," Killian nodded, already laying back down.

"These are so pretty!" Kiara wiggled, shaking the bed.

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