Ch.15 Stuck with you

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Chapter 15

Kiara took her sweet time packing up her work after Hayden declared class finished for the day. She could feel Killian hovering by her seat, waiting for her. But she did not want to walk to class with him. All the pain from the night before was still too fresh in her mind.

"I'm going to be a minute," she said looking up. "Don't wait for me."

Killian hesitated for a second as he stared down at her. When Kiara looked away, he let out a long breath and walked out of the classroom. Macy watched from the doorway with a frown on her face.

"Do you have combat next?"

Kiara looked up as Brody approached her desk.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"You better hurry," Brody chuckled. "Ares hates us being late."

"He hates everything," Kiara rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse.

As she walked to her locker, Brody and Macy followed along. She changed into her sneakers and grabbed her duffle bag before flipping her hair back into a bun.

"Ready?" Brody asked.

"Lead the way," Kiara waved goodbye to Macy before following Brody out of the school building. "Brody...."


"I'm sorry about yesterday," Kiara apologized. "I shouldn't have put you in such an awkward position."

"I didn't mind," Brody grinned.

"I'm sure you didn't," Kiara rolled her eyes. "But I still am sorry. And if Killian says anything to you, know that I'll beat his ass."

"He might kill me in my sleep."

"Not possible."

"Why not?"

"I'm violent death, remember?" Kiara raised a brow. "I'll most likely be there if he tries anything."

"Oh right!"

"So we're okay?"

Brody turned his head to look at Kiara as they walked towards the training fields. His youthful features were highlighted under the sun as his dark chocolate skin glistened. He had a charming smile that could get him out of anything. As Kiara waited for him to answer, his lips started to pull back.

"No, we're not good," he said. "You broke my heart, Kiara."

"I -"

"I'm messing with you," Brody laughed. "You didn't break my heart....yet."

Kiara looked at him with confusion. She waited for him to elaborate as they stopped by the gates of the training field. They could hear Ares whistle as the kids came out of the locker rooms one by one.

"I wanted to ask you to the dance," Brody confessed. "But I'm assuming you know what happened."

"Yeah," Kiara frowned.

"But I'm happy about whatever happened yesterday," Broady continued. "Maybe we can do it again some other time."

Kiara chuckled as she shook her head and looked up at the boy, "What are you saying?"

"I want to take you out," Broady shrugged, suddenly a bit shy. "Like on a date."

"A date?" Kiara raised her brow.

"Yeah, you know," Brody teased. "Movie or dinner or a long walk. What about a boat ride? Do you like boats?"

"I like boats," Kiara nodded. "But....I don't know if I'm ready to go on a boat ride with you."

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