Ch.20 Everlasting

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Chapter 20

2 weeks later

Macy's missing report had turned into a body recovery mission. The authorities at the palace were not able to trace or locate the group of men they had seen escort the girl out of the club on the video. Kiara pushed for them to keep searching because she knew her friend wasn't dead. But every tip they received led them to a dead end.

"I'm worried about her," Posey said one weekend while Kiara and Killian visited the underworld for dinner.

Killian looked over his shoulder to where Kiara and Tobias sat in front of the chess game on the table. Her brown eyes were not at all paying attention to the pieces as Tobias contemplated on where to move his soldier.

"How is she in class?" Posey looked to Killian for more answers.

"She's definitely in her head more nowadays," Killian said. "The fates want to see her. But she won't go back."

"She's stubborn like her father," Posey shook her head. "Has she traveled again since the last time we spoke?"

"Yeah," Killian let out a breath remembering how terrified Kiara was.

The night after her walk with Arla, Kiara was called to the sight of a car crash. Killian followed her and stood beside her as they watched the drunk driver of the eight wheeler zip past the red light and strike the minivan at the intersection. Kiara hid her face in Killian's chest as the sickening sound of the metals crashing filled the night.

The morning after, when she was once again, called to another accident, Kiara transported herself back within seconds.

"No," she shook her head when Killian urged her to not make the fates angry. "I'm not going."

Killian didn't push her but her behavior made her more and more worried. A part of him was grateful he would be the one to receive Macy. He didn't want Kiara to have to go through the trauma of seeing a friend die.

"Do you think we should keep her here?" Posey stirred the sauce in the pan as she watched her daughter.

"No," Killian shook his head. "You know she hates it here."

"She doesn't hate it!"

"She dislikes it here."

"I can hear you two," Kiara spoke up from where she sat with Tobias.

The god of the underworld looked up from the chess game and raised a brow. Kiara rolled her eyes as she got up from the chair and headed towards the french doors that led out into the wide open fields behind her parent's house. Posey sat her wooden spoon down and was about to take off her apron but Killian patted her hand and turned to follow the girl out.

"Kiara," he called to her as she walked around the pool and headed for the fruit trees.

Kiara didn't stop. She skipped down the stone steps and walked on as Killian followed her. Her bare feet soaked up all the dew from the grass as the artificial twilight in the sky provided just enough light for her to see where she was headed. As she aimlessly walked down the garden and away from the house, the small lights hidden within the trees began to turn on one by one.

"Where are you going?" Killian asked as he pushed aside a low branch.

"No where," Kiara said. "Just.....away."

"She's just worried about you," Killian said. "You're not yourself."

"I can't be myself," Kiara stopped and slowly turned to face the boy behind her. "I can't watch people get crushed to death and then go shopping for a new dress as if nothing happened. I can't do that...."

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