Ch.10 Azuree

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Chapter 10

It took everything in Killian not to reach across the table and choke the man sitting before him. His hands balled into fists on his lap as Ares cleared his throat.

"You didn't think Killian would have liked to have a say in his future?" the god asked from where he sat at the conference table.

Ezra's murky green eyes turned to Tobias and then towards Clare. No one other than Ares had uttered a word since they all had sat down with the man. Posey raced back to the school as soon as she got word of Ezra's arrival. She took off her oven mitts and shoved them into her husband's hands as she glared at the man with the copper hair. If Ezra had to pick, he would say Posey was scarier then Tobias. Her anger was visible whereas Tobias was lurking under a stone face.

"This was always supposed to be his future," Ezra defended, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on himself. "All his life he was trained to be the next angel of death and now he is. I don't see why we're all so shocked. If anything you all should be saying thank you to me."

"You have ten seconds to defend that statement before I hang you," Posey's eyes narrowed.

"Posey," Ezra sighed. "Look, I am so sorry for what Kiara is going through. I d-"

"Do not say her name," Tobias said with an eerie calmness.

Ezra's eyes nervously flickered to the god. He had to remind himself he was once again a mortal. If the wind did not blow in his favor, he would be six feet under very soon. Tobias would personally see to it.

"I truly do feel horrible for what my sister has done to Kiara and Killian," he said.

"To Kiara," Killian corrected him. "I don't give a shit about what she did or didn't do to me. Kiara does not deserve this."

"Are you not angry?" Ezra was baffled. "Your mother took away your birthright! Your chance at a divine path. I had to give you my duties to make sure you still inherited the family's legacy."

"Are you hearing yourself?" Killian wanted to know. "Do you actually expect us to be thankful?"

"You are our heir Killian," Ezra leaned back. "This was always supposed to be yours. I am not going to apologize for it. When I started to get news of what my sister had done, I knew I had to step in. The fates wanted the same."

"What are the fates planning?" Tobias asked.

"I do not know," Ezra shrugged. "I no longer have any contact with them. That is Killian's job right now."

"A job he was never trained for," Clare spoke for the first time since entering the room.

"He's a fast learner," Ezra smiled. "All Azurees are."

At the sight of Killian's confused face, the smile on Ezra's face slipped. He sat forward in his seat and peered with disappointment and heartache.

"Did your mother not tell you our family name?" He asked.

"Azuree?" Killian raised a brow. "That's not my father's surname."

"Forget about Hector!" Ezra's irritation flared. "You are our blood. My sister's child. That makes you an Azuree. Who cares about Hector?"

"He doesn't want any of this!" Kiara snapped.

"We don't pick our family, sweetheart."

"Okay, everyone let's calm down," Clare patted Kiara's lap. "We won't get anywhere by screaming at each other. Ezra, there's plenty of time for you to explain yourself. But first thing first. Will you help them? Azazel has refused."

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