Ch. 41 Birdie and the bees

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Chapter 41

Kiara stood behind Killian, clutching her clothes to her chest as the boy opened a portal back to her room on campus.

Her body felt as unstable as jell-o- on a shaking table. She swayed from side to side like a willow as every inch of nerve in her body hummed with a live current. When she stepped into the warm air of her room, her clothes fell out of her hand, landing in a pille at her feet.

Killian looked over his shoulder, his eyes taking in every part of Kiara's body as she took a step forward. He felt his own body respond immediately as his eyes darkened and very vivid images of Kiara in all sorts of positions popped into his mind.

"I smell like grass," Kiara said, laughing as she pushed her hair out of her face.

"Do you want to clean up?" Killian stepped away from the bathroom door.

Kiara nodded. Her arms moved awkwardly around her body as she fussed with her air. She didn't know what to do with herself as she walked to the bathroom door, feeling Killian's eyes all over her naked skin.

She couldn't remember when he had put his clothes back on. Maybe it was before he had her laying on her grass teasing her with his fingers. Or maybe it was after she couldn't take his teasing any more and climbed on top of him. But somewhere, in the mess of kisses and touches, Killian's clothes had come back on and Kiara's hadn't.

Killian was not complaining. He liked the way Kiara's cheeks flushed every time he moved his eyes up and down her body. He took his time on certain areas, letting his eyes linger and watching her chest rise and fall.

She was mesmerizing. Better than his imagination. And he had done a lot of imagining about seeing her stand in front of him naked.

Killian's mind clicked off as Kiara opened the bathroom door and disappeared inside. He stood motionless for a few seconds before grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it over his head. Tossing it to the floor beside the pile of Kiara's clothes, Killian stepped out of his jeans and walked into the bathroom.

The small space was already filled with steam. The water beat against the floor as Kiara stood under the warm cascade with her head rolled back, her hair clinging to her shoulders like ink.

Killian felt his heart leap into his throat. The pit of his belly tightened as every muscle in his body urged him to move forward. Kiara opened her eyes and titled her back forward. The water leaped off her full bottom lip, making Killian crave a drink. She made no moves as the boy walked into the shower and raised his hand.

Her skin was flawless. Killian's eyes couldn't find a single imperfection. But he had known that already. His mind took him back to when they were both fourteen and they had gone to a pool party. Kiara had worn a two piece bikini for the first time.

At that moment, Killian had no idea what the unfamiliar urges in him were. He stood in the middle of the pool watching Kiara laugh along with Annabella and Birdie. His mind spiraled out of control as he tried to understand what was happening. Never in his life had he ever felt something so strong and so urgent.

That was the very first time Killian had noticed how perfect Kiara was in all the departments. After that day, it was all an uphill battle for the boy.

But as he stood under the shower watching his perfect girl, he realized his battle was over. He had lost and he was completely A-Okay.

Taking a step forward, Killian cupped the back of Kiara's head with a free hand as he pulled her closer. His mouth found it's way to her as he took a drink from her full lips. Kiara parted her lips and gasped as Killian used his other hand to grip her hips.

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