Ch.7 Calix

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Chapter 7

Killian woke to find himself laying in his own bed. His head felt like it had been struck by a brick. He touched it gently, fearing it might be tender and sore. But to his surprise it wasn't bleeding.

With a deep gargling groan, Killian lifted his body up and looked around. He was still dressed in the same clothes from the day before. He dragged himself to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, every movement and every seconds feeling as if it took all the energy in his body. Squinting and trying to block out the sun, he changed his clothes and grabbed his bag.

The halls of the dorm and the lawns of the school were strangely.....empty. Killian walked into an empty cafeteria and grabbed himself and Kiara a coffee, wondering where everyone was. He pulled out his phone to check the time to make sure he didn't wake up at noon when he noticed the miss call and voicemail from Kiara. On his way to the dome, he clicked to check the message.

"Killian! HELP! HELP ME! See, you didn't answer my call and now I'm dead. I hope you're happy. Where are you? Call me back. There's going to be a bonfire."

The message ended with a beep and Killian quickly dialed the girl back. He held the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he pulled open the doors to the dome. To his surprise once more, the halls were empty. He walked past the first classroom and not a single soul was inside.

"The fuck is happening?" he mumbled to himself.

"Killian!" Hayden's voice spoke up from the second floor as he rushed down the set of stairs.

"What now?" Killian sighed as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.

"Where have you been? You have any idea what's been happening here?"

"What's happening?" Killian sipped his coffee.

Hayden paused for a few seconds to see if the boy was actually serious. His eyes narrowed and he took a step forward.

"Kiara....." he said slowly.

Killian stilled, "What about Kiara?"

"You haven't heard?"

"Stop talking in circles and get to the point."

"You better come up to the top floor," Hayden walked to the staff elevator and used his employee pass.

Suddenly, the boy's words made Killian nervous. The top floor was only open for students who struggled to control their abilities. They were considered a risk to their fellow classmates and had to remain under strict supervision by Clare and the other teachers until they had a handle on their situation. Why on Earth was Kiara up there?

Killian followed Hayden into the elevator cautiously. He watched as Hayden punched in a code and the doors closed before they shot up. It was a very quick ride and when the doors opened back up, his eyes fell on Posey and Tobias.

"Killian!" Posey let out a sigh and held up her arms.

"What's going on?" Killian asked as he let the woman pull him into a hug. "Where's Kiara?"

"She's here," Clare said. "She's safe. But before you can see her. We need to ask you a few questions."

"Why is she here?"

"We will explain everything," Tobias said. "Come inside for a few."

Everyone looked at Killian and waited for him to step into the room. Their eyes made him feel restless and uncomfortable. He could feel his mind starting to whine for Kiara. When he was younger and he met new people, she was his filter from their suspicious eyes and questioning gaze.

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