Ch.29 All The Good Girls

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Chapter 29

"My men can help you," Adeline said as she watched Hayden and Ares assemble all they needed for their trip to the base.

"I want to keep this low profile," Ares said as he checked over his armor. "Our priority is to find Macy and shut down the base."

"They have more bases," Adeline said. "All over the world."

"And we will get to them all," Clare assured her. "This is only the first step."

Adeline shifted uncomfortably on her feet. Her green eyes were concerned and filled with worry. Kiara, who stood inside the office listening to everything happening in the halls wondered how the woman had not collapsed yet.

I made myself love him....

Adeline's words echoed through Kiara's head. Was it really possible? To make yourself fall in love?

Just then, the gentle vibration of Kiara's phone pulled her out of her head and back into Clare's office. She shifted her eyes to Arla who sniffled quietly on the chair before pulling her phone out of her pocket and checking her messages.

I didn't see you after classes, Brody wrote.

Everything okay?


I'm starting to worry. Just let me know you're okay.

"Shit," Kiara muttered as she realized it had been hours since she had checked her phone. She quickly dialed Brody's number and moved to the corner of the room towards the window.

"Kiara," relief flooded through the phone as Brody picked up.

"Hi," Kiara said quietly. "I'm so sorry, something came up and I'm still with Clare and Ares."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," Kiara lied.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to come stay with you?"

"I'm okay," Kiara pushed.

"You sound tired."

"I am," Kiara smiled. "Just a bit."

"Please just let me come by," Brody pleaded. "I want to see you and I'm worried. You don't sound like yourself."

"Brody, really. I'm fine. Just some training stuff with Clare," Kiara sighed. "I should be done soon."

"Okay," Brody said, defeated. "Want me to pick you up?"

From the corner of her eyes, Kiara caught the reflection of a small movement in the room. She looked up and spotted Killian standing at the door, his dark eyes on her. Outside the sun had set and the sky was midnight black. Killian's reflection floated against the clear glass as his gaze waited for Kiara to turn. Kiara slowly turned in her spot. Her eyes met the boy's and her breath caught in her throat.

Killian was dressed in the same black outfit as Hayden. He had his boots on and his bullet proof jacket in his hand. His hair was messy and eyes wide open and awake.

"Babe?" Brody's voice came through the phone.

"Y-yes?" Kiara's voice cracked.

"What's wrong?"

"I....I have to go."

"Okay, but just let me know. Should I pick you up?"

"Yes, that's fine," Kiara said quickly, her mind running in a million different directions.

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