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Chapter 30

"How do we get her out of here?" Kiara asked as she placed a hand over Macy's hold hand. Her skin shivered from how cold the girl was.

"Unplug her," Birdie shrugged.

"She might be on life support," Hayden shook his head. "We can't unplug anything until we check."

"I'll tell Maksim to send a medical team from the palace," Ares said as he opened his link to the king of the werewolves.

"She's so cold," Kiara said, picking up Macy's hand and holding it between hers.

Her chest tightened every time her gaze landed on the girl. She tried hard to remember the girl Macy was, but it was next to impossible when all Kiara could focus on was how pale the girl was.

"Clare is here," Ares suddenly said. "The king's guards are taking care of the rest of the floors."

"That's good, right?" Birdie asked. "No one will shoot at us anymore?"

"I will," Hayden said. "I can't believe you are standing here."

"You don't count," Birdie waved off her brother.

"Should I try to wake her up?" Kiara looked up at Killian who had gone silent since Kiara had rushed into the room to stand beside her friend.

"I think they are keeping her asleep," he said, not meeting her eyes. "We should wait for the medics to arrive."

Kiara nodded slowly. She barely noticed the way Killian grew uncomfortable in the room with each passing second. He shifted his weight from side to side and toyed with the collar of his kevlar vest. His movements caught the corner of Ares' eyes, causing the god to look up and raise a brow.

"How's the arm?" Ares asked.

"It's fine," Killian lied.

"Make sure you have a medic look at it as soon as they get here," Ares said.

"Are you still bleeding?" Kiara looked up with a deep frown.

"No," Killian ran a hand through his dark hair.

"What's wrong?" Kiara asked, noticing his clipped tone.

"Nothing," Killian said.

"What's bothering you?"

"You are."

"Excuse me?"

"You shouldn't be so careless," Killian lowered his voice to keep the conversation between him and the stubborn girl in front of him. "You can't just run into situations like this."

"I was worried about you!" Kiara hissed. "Forgive me for having a heart, you idiot."

"I can't die, remember?" Killian pointed out. "So I don't know what you're so worried about."

"Oh my god," Kiara shook her head. "Are you being serious right now? Why are you snapping at me?"

"I'm not snapping," Killian shut his eyes.

"No? Then what do you call this?"

"Kia! You should not be here," Killian pushed. "That's it. That's all I'm trying to say."

"I'll keep that in mind for next time," Kiara glared. "I'll let you bleed out and not even lift a finger."

Before Killian could respond, Clare walked through the door followed by a team of medics from the palace. Angry gray eyes scanned the people standing in the room before they settled on Birdie and Kiara.

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