Minho [30]

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 Y/N's hands were shaking. Just a few hours ago, she thought she was being taken away from her friends for a regular medical checkup. Now, she sat with the burden of knowing tomorrow morning her memories would be gone and she'd be sent into the maze.

She tried to hold back her tears. There had to be a way out of this. After all this time, after all the training and schooling, this is what it all led to? She, alongside Minho and Ben, were a few of the best runners here. Now she understood why the teachers here spent so much time focusing on them and their running skills. When she got sent up to the maze, with no memories, they had prepared her to run the maze and search for a way out. There's no way she'd remember that once there, though.

The door to the room flew open. Whoever broke into the room scrambled to catch it before it slammed into the wall. They closed it quietly.

"Minho?" Y/N whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think, idiot? I'm here to break you out." He was on high alert, keeping an eye on the door incase it were to open. Minho had snuck out of his room and broken into one of the most heavily guarded places in the facility. He hoped that when he eventually got caught, no one asked him how he'd done it because he honestly had no clue. He was just sneaky and maybe had a little luck on his side.

"You can't," Y/N grabbed his arm and shook her head. His eyes were frazzled and it took a moment to bring him back to reality. "I'm not getting out of this one."

Minho furrowed his brows. 

"They're sending me away." She faltered.

"I know." Minho admit. "The maze. Thomas finally told me what's going on."

Y/N nearly fell apart when her eyes met Minho's. "I don't want to forget you guys." She reached out and wrapped her arms over his shoulders, hiding her face in his neck before he saw any tears fall. She'd never hear the end of it if she somehow managed to stay.

Minho ran his hand up and down her back, holding tight. Deep down, he knew she was right. There was no getting out of this now. The second they'd lured her down this far in the facility, there was no way out. Getting here unseen was one thing, getting out was another. "Hey, you're gonna be okay. Newt and Alby are already there, I'm sure I'll be next."

Y/N wanted to bite her hand to stop herself from sobbing. "None of us will remember each other though."

"I don't think we'll need to remember each others names or faces," Minho said. "Something inside of us will know."

"Okay," Y/N pushed back and forced a small smile, taking a deep breath. "You gotta go now."

"No. I won't." He stood firm, shaking his head in disagreement.

"Minho, it's not worth it. We'll see each other again soon." She gripped his hand. "Just go, pretend you're exploring and they should take you back to your room without anything bad happening."

He didn't want to leave. But he also knew she was right. Lately, with his friends going missing, Minho had gotten good at turning off his emotions and just doing what had to be done. So, he left. He did what she said and got sent back to his room.

A month went by. He was right. The next person to be sent up was him. He wasn't even phased or scared. There was no one and nothing for him here. Having his memory wiped and seeing his friends again was all that mattered. He wasn't letting the creators totally get away with stealing his identity, though. He had a plan. A not so great plan, one he wasn't sure would work, but it was better than nothing.

When he arrived in the Glade, three pairs of hands hauled him up into the grass. He tried to smack the side of his head to clear up but it didn't seem to work. He could remember absolutely nothing, not even his own name. As he went to talk to the people here, something in his mouth was gummy. It was a piece of paper, seemingly having been stashed last minute before being sent here.

"That's bloody disgusting, mate." Newt made a gagging noise as Minho pulled out the gumball of parchment and carefully unraveled it.

"Newt and Y/N —they're your best friends. Your memory got wiped. Don't worry."

Minho looked up to the people, stunned. A blonde boy and girl stared down at him while an older boy in the middle dart his eyes between the three. "So who the hell was I?"

Apparently the other two who looked dumbfounded must have been Y/N and Newt.

"Good thinking, I guess." Newt shrugged. "You obviously outwit the bastards who sent us here."

"Well, at least we know our memories were wiped intentionally." Y/N reached a hand out to the boy on the ground. Immediately, the touch of his hand sent a shock up her spine and she looked right into his eyes. "There is something familiar about you. I hope that note is telling the truth."

"I don't doubt it is." Minho gripped her hand a little tighter. He knew. His gut told him he did indeed know these people, especially the girl. 

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