Gally [17]

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 The girl, panicking, stumbled out of the tent she'd woken in, straight through the canvas doors and down onto her knees. Pain radiated up through her wrists from the harsh landing and she tried to collect herself and get back on her feet.

Nothing felt right. Her memories were hazy. The last time she'd been conscious, she and Minho were being broken out of the WICKED facility by Newt and Thomas, the city was taken down and they were on a berg out of the city.

This had to be the paradise Vince always promised, back when they first arrived at the Right Arm before WICKED attacked.

The girl looked to her right. A single tall stone sticking out of the ground with names carved into it just like back in the maze. Names of the people they'd lost. Alby, chuck, Winston, Teresa and —Newt. She didn't know until now he didn't make it. So much for a paradise without their closest friends.

Still not certain where she was, head a scrambled mess, Y/N got up shakily and turned to make her way toward the faint noise in the near distance. There were people mulling about and all she could hope is that soon enough, she'd find a familiar face.


Y/N didn't make it far before blindly running into someone who had rushed around the corner in front of her. The person stumbled over his own feet and tried to keep hold of the pile of supplies in his hands.

For a moment, she was overwhelmed by the sudden flurry of this person. However, after a few seconds, the image before her began to clear. Her lungs seized.


The boy recognized his own name and immediately stopped what he was doing. He looked up and inhaled sharply. "Y/N?"

He seemed as equally in disbelief as she was. If it weren't for the gut feeling Y/N had, there was no way she would have suspected this was Gally. Sure, he still looked the same for the most part. But, he carried himself far differently now. He was calm, his voice was soft, he even seemed slightly bashful. Above all, Y/N still thought he was dead.

"W—where are we? What's going on?" She began backing away from Gally, her heart hammering against her ribcage. Was she dead?

Panic settled in. She kilter forward and slowly lowered herself to the ground. Trying to catch a her fleeting breath, she grabbed at the grass, just trying to find something solid. This was it? She didn't survive the trip on the berg after all?

Gally felt his chest tighten. He knew about Y/N's time with WICKED. He'd occasionally seen her and Minho being transported throughout the facility through the telescope on the city's outer wall. For six months, he watched hopelessly as she deteriorate. There was a good reason she had no idea what was going on right now and feared the worst. He assumed right now in this moment, she must have thought WICKED was playing some sick trick with a new simulation.

In sympathy, his expression softened and he knelt down to her level, setting aside his bundle of supplies. "We got you out of wicked. This is...well, paradise as they're calling it."

For a brief moment, he went to reach out, to push back the hair fallen in her face, but he stopped himself.

Y/N's eyes dart around for a moment until they met his. There was no way this wasn't the real Gally. Those were his eyes, just as she'd remembered them. "They're not going to find us? This is real?"

"No, you're safe now." He assured gently.

Palms pressed to her eyes, taking in a deep breath, she finally released and let herself sink into her own weight. "I'm sorry."

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