Alby [1]

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 Mustering as much confidence as she could, Y/N took in a deep breath and set down her rake. She had spotted Alby walking around the Glade, seemingly unoccupied and decided to take the opportunity to talk to him. There was a certain discussion she'd been wanted to have with him for a while but was yet to bring herself to say the words.

Walking across the Glade toward him, Alby caught a glance of his longest standing friend and waved happily. He grew a little nervous when he realized Y/N wasn't just passing by, she was coming to talk to him.

"Something going on in the gardens?" Alby spoke up. "Newt causing trouble?"

Y/N laughed a little and shook her head. "No, Newt's fine. Everything is fine, actually."

Alby looked a little uneasy and confused. He put his hands behind his back and clenched them tight. Alby had gotten quite good at hiding his emotions over the past couple years being the leader and all. When it came to Y/N though, it was nearly impossible. He couldn't stop his heart from racing or his shoulders tensing. "So...why are you here?"

"What?" Y/N fired back playfully. "I can't come talk to my friend for a five minute break?"

"Well—" Alby fumbled with his words. "You should be working." He furrowed his brows and sent a playful smile.

Y/N pursed her lips and rocked on her heels. "Yeah...but Alby, listen. I need to talk to you." The girl forced the words out no matter how much they stung her lips.

Alby's eyed widened as his heart began to race for a reason he wasn't exactly sure why. "Is it about the Glade?"

"Well, no." Y/N muttered. "Not exactly."

"Then can we wait until some other time?" Alby asked. "Gally's been picking fights with the greenie recently and I—"

Before he could finish, Newt's voice came radiating across the Glade. "ALBY!" He shouted for the leaders attention. "THOMAS AND GALLY AGAIN!"

With a sorry look straight from his heart, he smiled sadly at Y/N. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Maybe we can talk over dinner."

A little disappointed, Y/N smiled back. "Yeah, that's fine."

Y/N spent the entire day swimming in her own head. What was she going to say? She'd already locked herself into talking to Alby at dinner and there was no backing out. Because, if she did, Y/N knew Alby would let his curiosity get the better of him and he wouldn't leave her alone until she talked to him. She just had to be honest tonight.

So much easier said than done. What if she was overthinking this all? Was it even worth telling Alby? He was busy, focused on keeping the Glade running in order and hardly and time for personal matters. Besides, even if by the slim chance he liked her back, there was no way he'd be comfortable with any kind of relationship. There would likely be conflict with the other boys seeing it as unfair.

There was no was of deciding what was right.

Y/N sat at one of the tables, pushing her food across her plate back and forth. Maybe, if she just sat here and didn't go looking for Alby, he'd forget. That fight between Thomas and Gally was probably enough to keep him busy for three years alone.

"There you are,"

Y/N wanted to explode. She knew who it was. His soft yet deep voice permeated her lungs. The girl quite literally had to struggle against all of the forces inside of her to look up and meet his eyes. When she did, she saw what she always did. Honesty, kindness, genuine care and interest.

"I said we'd talk at dinner, what are you hiding for?" He laughed lightly, arms crossed as he leaned on the table.

Y/N cringed and half smiled. "It wasn't important. Plus, seemed like there was a big mess with Thomas and Gally."

Alby rolled his eyes and groaned. "Mess is an understatement. I trust and respect Gally, but I have no idea why he's so rattled by Thomas."

"I wish I knew, Alby. But, I don't think I can help much with that one." Y/N smiled sadly. "Anyways, I have to finish up some things in the gardens. I'll catch you later."

Alby nodded, a little confused and Y/N retreated as quickly as possible. She thought she was going to be able to do it. However, neither the right words or confidence ever came her way. Right now, it was easier to just be left alone with her thoughts. Maybe, this was the universe telling her it wasn't right to tell Alby how she felt. It was telling her to not act out of impulse. As she dragged her feet through the grass, she couldn't help but feel miserable.

"Y/N, hold up." Alby jogged up behind the girl and gently landed a hand on her shoulder. "Tell me what you wanted to talk about. I know you're not the kind of person to say you want to talk without a good reason." He admitted.

Y/N couldn't look at him. "Yeah, well, I'm not so sure the reason is good anymore. Or, the right thing to do."

"How could you say that?" Alby scoffed. "There's a reason I talk to you about problems in the Glade. You listen and give me good advice. You've never said a single thing that was wrong. Why are you doubting it now?"

"Because it's not just about the Glade, Alby. I could ruin something good if I say it." Y/N mumbled.

Alby let out an exasperated sigh. "There isn't a single thing you could say that would ruin anything here, alright? I trust you."

Y/N stopped walking and turned to face Alby. It was hard to keep her head lifted to meet his eyes. "Alright, fine." She bit the inside of her cheek. "Alby, I'm trying to say I like you. Okay? That's it."

Instead of clenched fists and a quick heart, Alby seemed to freeze and loosen up. He swallowed hard. "What?" He stood perplexed. "You like me?"

"Yeah," Y/N sighed. "I never thought much about it...but recently i've felt different. It seems like we could be getting out of here soon and I just—I wanted you to know." She let her hand fall out in front of her in explanation. "Just incase something happens to one of us."

Alby caught sight of her hand and grabbed onto it. "Why me?" He asked. "What are you talking about?"

"We were the first two people here. We know each other inside out and have been through a lot. I just—I wonder if there's something more here or if I'm totally crazy."

"I don't understand." Alby seemed somber.

Y/N grimaced in embarrassment. "Don't understand what?"

Alby lowered his eyes and shook his head. "Why me. Y/N, of everyone here, why me?"

"Because," She gripped his hand tighter. "You're selfless, thoughtful, kind and honest. You listen to me. We work well together." She explained. "Alby, why are you doubting yourself so much?"

"Because how can you like me? I'm nothing compared to you." He lamented.

"Yeah, well, I'd say the exact same thing if I were in your position right now. Maybe it balances out. I don't know why I feel like this, Alby, I just do!"

Alby smiled, seeming to finally settle in with the current circumstances. "Well, I want you to know I appreciate you saying something. I'm not sure I would have worked up the confidence to do so myself."

"Are you serious? You've liked me all this time too?" Y/N shoved the hand she held into his stomach playfully, but a little rough, and he let out a defeated laugh.

"Maybe," He teased. "Let's go finish that work in the gardens you were talking about. Unless...that had just been a reason for you to get away from me."

"Ahhh," Y/N mumbled. "Yeah, alright, fine. You got me. Any other better ideas?" 

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