Newt [14]

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They'd taken Minho and Y/N. The events of his friends capture constantly plaguing Newts mind, burning at him. He knew it was a mistake letting Y/N and Minho cover for him and Thomas as they retreated back away from the WICKED soldiers. He knew it was a mistake, yet in the heat of the moment, he did nothing to stop it. She'd always held her own, but this time, she just wasn't fast enough.

Six months. That's how long it'd been since he'd seen her. Everyday he deteriorated a little more, losing the hope he clung so desperately to. Though he recited old conversations they'd had at night, tried his hardest to remember the feeling of her touch and the sound of her voice, his memories were fading.

His spirits rose when they successfully executed their plan in order to obtain one of the trains passenger units. Thomas had said he heard Minho inside, and that had to mean Y/N was in there too. It just had to. But when they landed, opened up that grim metal container, the two faces everyone wanted to see weren't there. They'd gotten the wrong one. The blondes already broken heart seemed to fall apart even more.

Newt knew they had to still be alive. Y/N and Minho were strong, they'd stick together, and keep on living no matter what had been done to them. Sitting with Thomas and Gally high upon the wall surrounding the city, Newt stared blankly at the illuminated tower. Somewhere in there, Y/N was locked up, probably being rung through hell just so WICKED could get what they wanted.

Now, they were in. Newt and Thomas had Teresa at gunpoint and were having her lead the way through the building. Disaster struck, Janson was onto them, but they weren't stopping. They were within arms reach for the second time and were not letting this chance slip through their fingers.

Shots rang out all around, shattered glass coated the floors, sirens wailed, and soldiers began to surround them. Thomas kept firing his gun, pushing back the guards while Newt searched the endless maze of rooms for his friends.

"MINHO!" He shouted desperately.

Minho had heard it. He was on the edge of being put under but Newts voice pulled him back. Never once did he think he'd hear those voices again. Being separated for so long, he'd nearly forgotten their sound. The former runner shouted and screamed, plunging a needle into the neck of one of the doctors and breaking free from his restraints.

"HEY!" He screamed as he burst through the door before him and into the hall. Just like the maze, he rounded corner after corner until he found his friends. Out of sheer anger her cried and shoved the guard threatening Thomas straight through a pane of glass. Both his friends looked to him in disbelief. Minho looked mad, not just angry, but deranged. They had done terrible things to him here and it was painfully obvious. Newt wanted to throw up. If this was what Minho looked like, how was Y/N? Was she still alive? He didn't want to doubt her, but a person can only take so much.

The three boys fell into embrace before Newt broke away with frantic eyes and heavy breath. "Where's Y/N? We need to get her out!"

Minho paused to think a moment. "I think I know, cmon!"

With that, the trio ran down the corridors, Minho looking into each and every room. He grunted in frustration at each empty lab, but then he stopped dead in his tracks. There she was, sprawled out on her hands and knees fighting for breath. The doctor at her side knocked out cold. But there was blood soaking the floor.

"Shit Y/N! What happened?" Thomas asked as he ran towards her.

"He was going to hurt me." She squeaked.

"Like they haven't already." Minho sad sadly, slowing seeming to regain his sanity. The two boys loomed over her, patching up the gaping wound carved into her arm. Newt stood standing in the doorway with a cold and numb heart. Minho looked different, and he could tell the people here had done awful things to him. But Y/N was even worse. She was sickly, pale, beaten and bruised, had tired eyes, and messy hair. While he was away planning her and Minho's rescue, she was in here, being torn to pieces.

"Newt c'mon! Help her up!" Thomas ordered, raising his gun and breaking for the door. They were so close and just needed a way out.

Surely enough, they found it. The four Gladers found themselves flying out of the skyscraper into a pool of water down below. Surrounded by guards, their hopes fell, all until Gally, who as hiding in the midst open fired and gave them a way out.

"Holy shuck... shebean!" Gally shouted as he raced towards the girl and hugged her tight.

"You're dead?" Y/N gaped.

"Well not anymore, I'll explain later." He broke away with a light laugh and patted her back. "Cmon we gotta get you guys outta here."

They took refuge for a while in the secluded, quiet areas of this city. They needed to count supplies, make sure everyone was injury free, and most importantly, make a plan. Something they didn't seem to have. Newt didn't have much of a role to play in this planning, so he slipped away and sat beside Y/N. She shook from the cold, even though to Newt it seemed unbearably hot.

"What'd they do to you, love?" He asked, voice laced with anger as he reached forwards and pushed a portion of hair behind her ear.

Y/N looked to Newt with eyes which now seemed twice as dark to him than they had once appeared in the Glade.

"Lots. But it doesn't matter now. You got us out." She tried to send a smile, but Newt could see right past it. Her body was tense, probably aching in pain, and her eyes were constantly darting around like her mind was scrambled. "Simulations were the worst."

"Simulations?" Newt questioned.

Y/N pursed her lips. "Yeah. They'd run the same thing over and over again."

"What was it?"

"You." Y/N lowered her head shamefully. "Every time, I'd start in the Glade that morning you—" She stopped. Newt didn't bother asking because he already knew. "The morning you jumped. Every time I'd race out into the maze, but I was never fast enough. The moment I rounded that last corner I'd make it just in time to see you fall and I—"

Newt shushed her. "Try to forget it. It wasn't real."

Y/N furrowed her brows painfully and tilted her head. It might not have been real, but those scientists made it feel all too real. The sounds, the feelings, the sights, and the smells were noting but real in those simulations.

"They say the kindest angels really do make the cruelest devils. My darling you were so kind and beautiful before they dragged you down to hell." He loathed, a tear skimming down the side of his face. He found himself holding the girl in his arms as he knew time was running short. The flare had him and he was sinking fast. Unfortunately, the nightmare he was enduring was real. The flare wasn't just some simulation.

After six months, he found the one he loved again on his deathbed. Though, that wouldn't stop him from savouring the few moments he had left with his closest confidant. He may have nearly forgotten the sound of her voice and feeling of her touch throughout those six months, but he was reminded immediately. Maybe the bliss serum was what he needed to stop the spread of the virus, but her hand on his chest as he hugged her tight sent a coolness through his veins which seemed to ease the pain for the time being.

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