Newt [1]

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[Thomas' POV]

"Let me show you." Alby's voice rang in my mind as I stared at his outstretched hand before me, offering to finally let me out of the prison they'd put me in. Shakily, I took his hand and followed him out into the place he called the Glade. Boys rummaged about, engaging in various tasks and talking amongst themselves. 

"We eat here, sleep here. We grow our own food, and build our own shelter." Alby explained, pointing out to various workstations nestled in the trees. "Whatever we need, the box provides." He motioned towards the metal crate which I'd woken up in, the sheer thought of it sending chills down my spine. "The rest is up to us."

"The box?" I looked back between to the godforsaken pice of metal and Alby in confusion. 

"Yeah. Then send em' once a month with fresh supplies and a new greenie. This month that's you." Alby explained, hitting my arm to catch my attention. "Congratulations." Before I could even process what Alby had said about the box, more questions swelled in my mind. 

"Sent up? By who though? Who put us here?" I asked. Alby looked to me sympathetically. He must have had the same questions every month. 

"That we don't know." He shrugged. I turned my eyes to the ground shyly, feeling Alby's stare on my skin.

"Hey you alright, Alby?" Another voice came and my head shot up immediately. I watched as Alby's smile grew instantaneously and then I glanced to see a tall, lanky blonde approaching, then someone a fair amount shorter trailing behind him. 

 "Geenbean, meet Newt." The blonde took my hand in his and smiled. "When I'm not around, he's in charge." Alby said. 

"Well, it's a good thing you're always around then." Newt stifled a laugh. "Listen, that was quite the dash you made earlier. Y'know for a second there I thought you had the chops to be a runner." He raised an eyebrow with a mischievous grin. "Till you face planted."

Before I could even question what a runner could have possibly been, Newt whimpered and pulled his arm in close to him, looking down at the person who'd dared to hit him. 

"Ah!" Alby grinned as a girl with Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes appeared from behind Newt, shaking hands with me. "This is Y/N. She was the greenie before you." Alby explained and I looked to the girl, even more questions pouring into my mind. 

"I thought you said there were no girls?" I furrowed my brows, looking between the three. Newt stood awkwardly close to the girl, looking down at her like he was stupefied. 

"Guess I lied." Alby shrugged. "You two do me a favour? Go find Chuck will you?" Alby told Y/N and Newt and they nodded. I watched as Newt brushed his hand against hers, almost as if he were trying to grab it. 

"There he is!" Y/N piped up and took off like a rocket, Newt pursed his lips and rolled his eyes, quickly following after her.

"Look, don't mind them. They're pretty close." Alby grabbed my shoulder and turned me around, guiding me somewhere else. 

"I think close is an understatement." I muttered. It was obvious when two people shared some sort of connection that no one else could understand, and those two seemed to fit that picture pretty well. I looked back and saw Newt playfully pushing and shoving Y/N as they walked away. 

"Anyways, got something special planned for tonight. You'll see." Alby grabbed my shoulder again and lead me away, obviously tired of me glancing around the glade every chance I got.

"Light em up!" Alby hollered out to the boys who surrounded a mound of wood, all with flaming torches in their hands. All together, they tossed the flames at the wood and it ignited instantly, the flames soon rising high above their heads. Newt and Y/N were yet again side by side and I watched as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, only moments later to have her dragged off by some other boy. How she was the only girl in a place like this, I had no idea. But, she seemed to fit in just fine. When I looked back to Newt, the second-in-command seemed lost without his partner in crime. No matter where she went, Newt's eyes were locked on her, a small grin plastered on his face.

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