Newt [19]

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Newt was absolutely frantic. His ears were ringing, his vision was blurry and knuckles ached from gripping the headlamp in his hands so tightly. He shone it up and down the tunnel as Frypan cautiously drove forwards. When something caught Newt's gaze, he wasn't sure whether he should be glad or terrified out of his mind.

"Woah woah woah—" Newt whispered slowly, causing Frypan to break immediately, the screeching sound echoing through the tunnel.

To Thomas' right, a Crank slammed it's palm into the vehicles window. Then, another slapping the window relentlessly to Y/N's left and one at Frypans window.

"Fry, we gotta go—" Thomas tried to say as calmly as possible, though it seemed to fail as Frypan was already screaming in pure terror.

"Go right now!" Newt said, also trying to break Frypan from his nightmare. But, it also failed.

Only Thomas screaming "JUST FLOOR IT!" In the former cooks ear seemed to do the trick.

"Hold on!" Frypan hollered at his friends, immediately slamming his foot into the gas, sending them rocketing through the tunnel. One crank remained on the hood of the truck, punching furiously at the windshield like the cure to the flare itself was inside.

Newt reached his hand blindly into the back seat, just to make sure Y/N was still there. He didn't dare look back knowing his attention needed to be on making sure that crank didn't make it through the thin glass barrier, but he also could't think straight unless he knew Y/N was there.

Weaving blindly through the tunnel, just nearly dodging abandoned cars and broken down barricades, the windshield came closer and closer to falling apart. "C'mon, Fry! Shake him!" Thomas cried.

Everyones hearts were beating in their ears. "I'm trying!" Frypan called back. To someone who didn't know the guy, he might have sounded half confident in his ability to get rid of this crank. But, to the ones actually sitting in the vehicle, hanging on for dear life, they could hear the sheer horror and doubt in his higher than normal pitched voice.

The hand Newt held onto fell out of his own when Frypan cranked the wheel to the left. It sent Thomas flying into Y/N, the pair crumbled up in the side of the vehicle. The next thing they knew, Frypan was screaming to hold on and a sharp screeching noise came from the left side of the vehicle. As they sat back up in their seats, relief washed over them since the crank was now definitely gone.

That sense alleviation only lasted a few seconds. By the time Y/N and Newt shared a small look of relief, Thomas was shaking the back of Frypans seat. "FRYPAN WATCH OUT!"

It was too late. Frypan drove over an old, knocked over road block and the vehicle rolled right on top of itself. Luckily for the group, they weren't travelling very fast. But, the not so present seat belts did nothing to stop their heads from slamming into the roof as they flipped.

Once the truck settled along with everyone's violent coughing, Thomas flicked on his flashlight. "Everyone okay?"

Newt grumbled a half-hearted yes along with Frypan and so Thomas immediately began his search for an escape.

"Y/N?" Newt looked around the small cabin of the vehicle frantically, trying to lock his eyes onto the girl. "You alright, love?"

"I'm good," The girl coughed, fighting for breath just like everyone else. If she hadn't responded or wasn't alright, Newt wasn't sure what he'd do. He tried to block the thoughts out of his mind.

This entire trip so far, he'd been reminding himself how awful of an idea it was to have her come along. It wasn't because she was a nuisance, but it was because Newt worried too much about her. He knew they needed her here to help with reading maps and solving problems (she always had ideas none of the boys could possibly fathom), but Newt knew her company could come at a cost, just as easily as Frypan's or Thomas'.

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