Gally [21]

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A/N: so uh...this book has 1 million reads?? I don't really know what to say to that other thank YOU readers, who have always supported me and helped me explore the world of writing. You all carried me through one of the worst times in my life by just being there, giving me a platform. Thank you so much.

Here's just Gally being my favourite 


 Gally reached out his heavy hand to the newcomer in the box. They looked just as petrified, sick, and stunned as any other he'd ever seen. This Greenie though, for once, he wanted to make a good impression on.

The builder was exhausted of being the person everyone was afraid of. Sure, he had tough days, just like everyone else. He'd said the wrong words here and there. When anxious about the future, caught overthinking, he could be short and put up a harsh exterior.

It didn't make him bad. Deep down, he knew that. For once, he wanted a Greenie to not be made afraid of him. If just one person could be on his side, maybe things would come around. Maybe, the others would finally see he wasn't so awful of a person after all.

A rush of warmth ran through his arm when the Greenie took his hand. He helped haul them out of the box and onto the grass. Awkwardly, he still held tight onto her hand as she coughed and and shook her head, trying to get her vision cleared.

Not quite sure what to do, he knelt down, still holding the hand. He reached out to help push the hair out of her face.

Someone swat away his hand. Another set of hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back.

"Gally, don't—" Someone hollered.

Everyone else now was arriving at the box. Being a builder, with his work station close to the box, Gally was already the first one there.

Gally felt his hand leave the Greenies as those hands on his shoulders pulled him up and away. Soon, bodies were filing in around the Greenie and he was quickly pushed out of the crowd.

Immediately, trying to get a glimpse over the heads of his fellow Gladers, Gally felt a sinking feeling in his chest. He hadn't even said anything and all of his chances at making a good impression had been squandered. He'd been pushed away, made to look like he was a threat.

He saw the girl, still on the ground, being helped up by Newt and Winston. She still seemed stunned but was aware enough to be scanning her surroundings. She was looking at everyone amongst the crowd, jumping from face to face. Eventually, she landed on his.

She stopped her erratic search. Gally stood frozen, not sure why she was staring at him specifically. Either way, it didn't seem to be coincidence.

Afraid, unsure, brimming with shame, Gally turned and walked back towards his work station. Even if he wanted to say something, there was no way anyone would let him through the barrier of people or even get a word in.

Deep in his heart, Gally took this as a sign that trying to get the others to see him differently was a losing battle. He wondered if he was meant to be like this. Maybe, he thought, some people had to play the role of the monster. He had no choice. It was a predetermined fate.

The girl watched as Gally ambled off away from the group. She wondered why he'd been pushed away by everyone else when all he'd been trying to do was help. To her, he seemed gentle and kind. It didn't make sense why he was walking in the opposite direction with rounded shoulders, riddled with anxiety.

The feeling Gally got the day Y/N arrived stuck with him. So, he spent most of his time avoiding her. He wholly had convinced himself it wasn't worth trying to befriend her, especially since she'd probably been told all kinds of stories about him. He also doubt himself. Maybe, he was as bad as everyone made him out to be, and the Greenie wasn't someone he wanted to hurt. Closing himself off was the best thing he could do for himself, and everyone else.

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