All x Reader [5]

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"There's not much more I can do, especially on my own." Minho admitted as he covered the map of the maze back up, defeated despite his persistence towards escaping the maze. "I can't explore those outer sections alone. I need someone with me incase one of us gets ourselves killed."

"I can't convince anyone to become a runner, Minho. They all know it's a hopeless case and a suicide mission at this point." Newt spat out, exasperated. He was beyond frustrated and struggling to fight against the appeal of giving up. "There's no one left except you."

The keeper of the runners kicked one of the walls with all the force he had stored up inside of his body. "Damnit!"

Newt rest his elbows on the table and rubbed his face and then ran his hands through his hair. "I don't know what to do." He muttered. "I don't want to send you in alone, but we can't just stop looking for a way out."

"Maybe it's time we stop." Minho's motivation began to falter. "Maybe there really is no way out and we're wasting our time. It's been three years, Newt."

The blonde looked up with narrow eyes. "That's not true and you know it! There's a way out, we just haven't found it yet."

"Alright," Minho wasn't going to fight his best friend on the matter, especially since he knew Newt was right. "Then, let's get ourselves another runner."

"How the hell you gonna do that?" Newt questioned sharply. "Like I said, there's no one."

"No one here." Minho picked up a pencil and pointed it at Newt, then lowered it to write something on a piece of paper. "We have to ask for one."

Newt cocked his brow, really questioning if Minho had gone crazy now.

The runner rolled his eyes. "We don't know who the creators really are. Don't know if they're the ones who trapped us here or if they're the ones trying to keep us alive with the box so we can eventually get out. Maybe, just maybe, they'll send us a runner next month. Someone who can help."

Newt let out a deep breath and pursed his lips. He looked right into Minho's eyes. There was no doubt Minho believed this could work. So, Newt did too. "Alright, let's do it. The box is going back down in a couple of hours, so let's hurry up."

The pair of boys were unsure of themselves when they left the note in the box before it was sent back down. It was a chance though, something to hope for, and therefore it was better than nothing. They'd have to wait a whole month before they found out if their call for help was answered, but at least they had something, some form of hope to hold onto.

For better or worse, their call had been answered. Much sooner than expected, too. With the rumbling of the metal shaft and the siren wailing, everyone in the Glade stopped dead in their tracks.

"The box isn't due to come up," Alby's eyes went wide and pupils dilated. "Something's wrong."

Newt and Minho exchanged frantic glances. Could it be? Had the people controlling the box gotten their message and answered it? They could only find out if they went to see for themselves. Ridden with anxiety, the pair followed Alby out the door of the homestead.

"It's a girl," One boy yelled out. "What the hell?" He looked to Alby, Newt and Minho running toward the box for guidance.

"The shuck is going, Alby?" Gally snapped nervously. "Anybody care to explain? Or are the creators playing games with us?"

The pair of keepers looked as if they'd had a horrible prank played on them. The people who sent up the box were playing a cruel trick on them, mocking them for even trying to ask for a runner to be sent up. Now, Newt just had a whole other pile added to his plate he didn't have time for. A new greenie, before they were due, to show around and get settled. A greenie to find a job for and new rules to make because surely there would be adverse reactions to a girl being in the Glade.

Minho watched as Gally dropped down into the box and he went to peer over the edge. For just a brief moment in time, the keeper of runners questioned if this wasn't a joke. This girl wasn't what he or Newt had been expecting. But, Minho knew a runner when he saw one. The feeling in his gut told him this wasn't a joke.

Gally kicked at the girl a couple times gently. She didn't move. Hesitantly, the builder picked the girl up and awkwardly began to attempt to haul her out of the box.

Newt punched Minho's arm. "Look!"

Minho followed Newt's line of vision and it was locked on the girls face. Then he saw it too. Her eye lids were just slightly parted, just enough for the boys to see her eyes scanning around as she hang limply in Gally's arms. "She's awake."

Gally set her down in the grass. Boys surrounded in confusion. Was she even alive?

It was if a bomb went off. The girl leapt to her feet and all of the boys sprung back. By the time they came to their senses, she was already gone.

"No shit, huh." Minho put his hands on his hips and scoffed, watching the girl flee at light speed. "They answered us."

"Bloody well believe it," Newt was just as shocked. "Don't just stand here, go after her!"

Luckily for the Gladers, the maze doors had already shut for the night. She wasn't getting far and so Minho just had to track her down.

"Hey!" Minho yelled out after the girl as she was just about to cross over into the dead heads. "Wait up!"

The girl slowed to a jog and then eventually stopped, looking back at the boy following her. She scanned him over curiously as he caught up.

"Okay," Minho huffed. "You're fast. That's a good sign. But can we talk?" He pleaded. "I don't feel like running circles around this place."

"Are you Minho?" She questioned immediately, hardly out of breath from her escape across the Glade. "Or Newt?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm Minho." He confirmed. "How did you know that?"

"They sent me up with this note," The girl reached out her arm shakily to hand Minho the paper. It had been the note they sent down a few days ago.

"Huh." He huffed. "We didn't think they'd actually send us a runner."

"A runner?" She asked apprehensively. "Am I a runner?"

"You will be," Minho said. "I'll explain after you get settled in. For now, what's your name?"

"I'm Y/N." She said, not a single trace of doubt in her voice. "That's all I remember."

"Our names are the only thing any of us remember since showing up here, it's alright." Newt appeared from behind Minho and sent the girl a weak smile.

"Newt?" She asked Minho, pointing at the blonde.

"Yeah," Minho laughed lightly.

"You hungry, Y/N?" Newt asked. "We could show you around the place and then head for dinner, if you're alright with that."

Y/N nodded and smiled a little. The fright in her eyes was dying. With that, the three began their trek across the Glade.

"I'm guessing being a runner has nothing to do with this place, does it? It's whatever is out there?" She pointed to the maze doors. Though shut, she could tell they led elsewhere.

The first person she looked to was Minho and he nodded. "Yeah—"

"I got sent here to find a way out, didn't I? Was I sent to help you?" Y/N filled in all the gaps of the things Newt or Minho could have had the chance to explain to her.

"We asked for help, and the next thing we knew they had you sent up in that box." Newt shrugged. "So, we'd like to think so."

"We've got tough times ahead of us, you think you're up for it?" Minho placed a hand on the girls shoulder.

Y/N lifted a small smile. Though she just met the people here and hardly knew who she herself was, she felt welcome. She felt as if these were people she'd known a long time and trusted. Maybe, just maybe, she did know them. By chance, they all knew each other before they were sent up to this place with no memories. "We're going to get you guys out of here."

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