Newt [46]

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A/N: Hello wonderful readers. I've missed you dearly! Life has been so crazy and writing for fun has sort of fallen by the wayside...but I want you to know that I'm still here, reading all of your kind comments, and working on one shots every once in a while, even though they are few and far between

Also, this one is short and more of just an Ace!reader and Newt vibing on the struggle bus. Been going through it lately and decided to write about it. Lol


 Newt kept a close eye on his friends. In particular, his best friend, Y/N. In all their time in the Glade, the pair found a lot of solace in one another. There were some things they just understood about each other in shared experiences that they felt no one else in the Glade really understood.

Since leaving the Glade, things had only gotten more difficult. Relationships were strained, everyone was lost and confused, they were all suffering the loss of their friends. Now, at the Right Arm, with some kind of security, there was a faint hope things would level out a little bit. That they'd all have a moment to regain their senses. It seemed now that they were far, far away from anything close to a mental break.

Newt watched this evening as Y/N poked at her dinner, staring blankly. It looked like every part of her body must have felt twice as heavy from whatever was weighing on her mind. He understood wholly. And after a while, when the girl could tell most of the Gladers were busy talking to others, she discard her meal and disappeared into the gloom of the Right Arm camp. Newt felt his chest cave in. Not only did seeing his friend in distress impact him, but it only brought out his own agony in recent days. His feelings became amplified and he too felt the sudden need to escape the scene.

Without hesitation, Newt got up from the table and on his way around it, scooped up Y/N's plate. No one seemed to notice him getting up to leave and so he continued on his way quietly. Where Y/N would be was no question for him. Almost immediately after arriving at the Right Arm camp, Y/N had found a tent dedicated to writing and mapping. Inside there were haphazard tables, plenty of paper and pencils. In a way, it was like the maproom, and she probably found it to remind her of home.

But with no map to draw much like she used to, the girl, in the past few days, had taken up drawing anything and everything they'd seen on their adventures thus far. Their friends, the landscapes, the bergs, anything she could think of. It didn't fail to amaze Newt what she could do.

Carefully, Newt approached the tent near the far end of the camp and could see a faint glow of light coming from inside. Part of him felt like he was invading. But it had been a couple long days. She seemed distracted and distraught. Her smiles were farther between. Anxiety seemed to follow close behind wherever she went. He just wanted to know what was going on, what sparked all of this, and if there was anything he could do to help.

"Y/N?" He whispered, lifting up the flap of canvas as he entered the tent.

The girl who sat at the bench lift her eyes slowly and smiled weakly at Newt. "Hey," She acknowledged kindly.

Newt sighed a little sadly and slowly made his way around the bench, pulling up a chair beside her. He set down her untouched meal in front of her and did the same with his own. "Everything alright?" He asked.

Y/N seemed to stall for a moment. "I d—no." She muttered, tapping her pencil on the paper restlessly. "I don't know what's going on."

Newt wrinkled his nose and caught her eyes for a brief moment. "Want to try to explain?"

"Someone...they—" She brought a knee to her chest and closed off her body in a way that made Newt shutter. "They told me they liked me. And I—"

"Well," She continued. "Don't get me wrong, they were very kind and gentle about it—" The girl was struggling. "But I don't know what to do. They're really nice...but I just—I don't really like anyone like that. And I don't know that I ever want to be with someone."

For the first time ever, Newt saw the girl begin to cry. In all of the nightmares they'd faced in the Glade and the Scorch thus far, she had always held a straight face. She'd worn her emotions on her sleeve, but never once had he seen her cry. In this moment, she truly was lost.

She fought through a sob. "I just want someone to tell me what to do. Or I wish I could just be normal—"

"Hey," Newt reached out and pulled the girl into his arms. "Remember when we first talked about this? Both of us so confused? You didn't like anybody and I liked boys. Back when we felt so out of place in the Glade?"

Y/N stifled a laugh and she pressed her face into his shoulder. Newt also laughed a little at the thought of their younger selves, venting up in the watchtower late at night about why they were the way they were. "Yeah, I remember."

"Well, back then, we figured out who we were. We were comfortable with the labels we'd put on ourselves." He explained. "And now those labels chan change, and that's okay. Or they won't change at all because they're right."

Newt gently let go of the girl a little and held her shoulders so he could look at her. "Regardless, you know who you are. And I can't tell you what's right or what to do. But I can tell you that there's nothing in this world that you have to say yes to if you don't want to. You don't owe anyone anything. In your heart, you'll know what to do, and it might take a while. But answers will come."

Y/N smiled weakly and let her head crash back down into his shoulder. "Why does it have to be so hard?"

"I wish I knew." Newt grimaced. "Because it has no right hurting this much."

The girl felt tears on her own skin. Newt too was currently overwhelmed. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell Thomas."

The girls heart sank. She knew Newt liked Thomas and that the current situation wasn't exactly promising. But she didn't know he'd been hoping to tell him and get it off his chest. Back in the Glade Newt had sworn to himself he'd never tell Thomas, but now with the tides changing and their constantly life threatening circumstances, she understood why he did want to say something.

Seemed they were both caught up in a current they were no match for. "Thank shuck you're here. At least someone knows, even if it's not him." Newt laughed lightly and the girl did the same.

In their distracted state, they hadn't noticed someone else walk into the tent. They strode right for Y/N and Newt and immediately wrapped their arms around the two sitting at the bench. Just by the feel and the slight smell, they knew it was Minho. "This the broken hearts club?" He asked.

Newt laughed and rolled his eyes. "Sure, I guess."

"Cool. Cool. Mind if I join?" Minho asked.

"Always room for you, Minho." Y/N teased.

Y/N and Newt were still hurting. They were conflicted. Torn apart in a way. In the very least, they'd talked about it. They had each other. It didn't make their situation at hand any easier, but it took a little bit of weight off of their shoulders. Where this mess might lead them, they had no clue. But that seemed to be the theme with everything these days. It wasn't anything new. 

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