Gally [19]

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 The Glade fell silent. For all of the ruckus that had been erupting the past ten minutes, it was like a bomb had dropped and decimated everything inside of those stone walls. Everyone was frozen in place, refusing to move just in case they made the situation that was about to unfold even worse.

It was hot in the Glade. Not just the typical skin tingling kind of heat they were used to, but a pass out if you stand in the sun for half an hour kind of heat. So, to mitigate the issue, Y/N and a few of her fellow Gladers resorted to buckets of water. They dunked each other in them, dropped loads of water on unsuspecting victims, and whacked at each other with freezing cold soaked towels.

"Ha!" Y/N jumped up in the air, laughing as she dodged the towel Minho was whipping through the air at her. "C'mon, Minho! Aren't you the keeper of the runners? Where's the pizazz?"

"Pizazz?" Minho charged at her and whipped the towel through the air even faster and with less mercy. "What kinda crap insult is that?"

"I don't know!" She shout back. "It was what came into my head."

"You're gonna get it," He snarled. With one last attempt to knock Y/N off her high horse, Minho wound up for a hit there was no way she could dodge. He got as close as he could and launched the towel through the air.

Y/N caught it after snapping in the air near her side. She pulled as hard as she could and let the towel fly out of Minho's hands and behind her. For a brief moment, she was filled with pride and was ready to chase Minho down and whack him a few times. That was until...

She heard it. A loud clatter. Then, she saw it. Everyone's expressions fell and they stood with wide, panicked eyes.

"Uh oh." Minho winced. "Good luck with your pile of doo-doo." He sprint off before Y/N even knew what was going on. Typical of Minho to abandon her when they'd stirred up trouble and created a mess.

She knew she'd either broken something or had at least hit something and someone she probably shouldn't have. Alby? Most likely.

Gally clenched his jaw and bit his tongue. Of course this had to happen. He was just about finished his work for the day and then people had to come stampeding around and knocking things over left and right. His shirt was now soaking wet from the towel he'd be smacked with and it clung to his skin uncomfortably.

"You little—" Gally reached for his own bucket of water just a few feet away and turned around in an angry flurry. He raised the bucket, ready to demolish whoever had impeded on his work but he froze. Stopped dead in his tracks. Beneath him, there stood Y/N. Wide eyed and stunned as she stared up at him.

"Why you hesitating Gally?!" One of the boys shout mockingly. "You don't wanna hurt her?"

Some awwwws came from the group. Gally could feel his face reddening. His nose wrinkled up and he bit the inside of his cheek.

"Do you like her or something?" Another boy called out. That was enough for Gally to feel like he was bursting at the seams. Boys all around laughed and Gally felt like he was standing in a humiliating spotlight. His organs cramped and throat became dry.

"Just get back to work." He lowered the bucket of water and dropped it back down onto the ground. He turned away from the crowd and just tried to focus back on what he was doing.

Y/N wanted to stay, to talk to him. But, sure enough, her name was being called across the Glade and she had to leave.

Gally was nowhere to be seen at dinner. It was probably because he had plans of his own. At least, that's what Y/N now came to the conclusion of, humiliatingly sitting in a bucket of water beneath her hammock. During all that time he'd been missing this evening, he must've been here, tampering with her hammock so that when she plopped down into it for the night, she fell right down and into the water oh so conveniently placed below. How had she missed it? Oh yeah, probably because it was dark.

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