Thomas [8]

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Thomas had been quieter than normal lately. Circling the maze had left him exhausted in just about every aspect of life. Tonight, as he sat staring blankly at the bonfire the sound of his friends causing a ruckus was nothing but white noise.

The dull hum in his hears reminded him of his footsteps echoing off of the maze walls. He winced as the memory of stone grinding as the doors closed each day filled his head. All he could think about was the maze and his obsession with finding a way out. It was consuming him.

For a moment, he looked up to catch the gaze of the new greenie across the fire, tilting her head curiously at him. Embarrassed, he looked back down and let his mind slip back into a wearisome oblivion.

Y/N had been trying to talk to everyone in the Glade today, getting to know their names and a few things about them. The only person she hadn't talked to was Thomas, the boy Newt had warned her about having a bad and avoidant attitude. Regardless, she was determined to try.

"Hey!" Y/N abruptly sat down beside Thomas, taking him by surprise, her hand reached out before his face. "I haven't talked to you yet, I'm Y/N."

Taking her hand hesitantly, he tried for force himself out of his daze. "Thomas."

"Newt said you're one of the runners. He won't tell me anything else about the maze though, got any details you're willing to share?" She asked.

Thomas raised a brow and groaned. "No."

Y/N was a little taken aback. Newt had been right. This guy didn't have the best attitude at the moment. "Right. Well, you've been sitting here alone all evening doing nothing but obviously thinking about something. It has to be the maze. Thinking about the grass or literally anything else wouldn't make someone this miserable."

Thomas jumped up out of aggravation. "All I can tell you about the maze is that there's no way out and I waste every day running in circles." He snapped. "Happy?"

Y/N didn't even have a chance to answer. She watched as he walked off into the dark briskly, a hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck. 

"Wow," Y/N grimaced at the sight of Thomas leaving as Newt sat down beside her. "Rough dude."

"He's having a hard time." Newt sighed sadly. "Used to be the life source of this place. All the hope for getting out packed into one person. Now, he's hardly burning. He's giving up."

"Make me a runner." Y/N suddenly demanded. "I'll bring back that hope. There has to be a way out."

Newt sucked in air between his teeth, a little surprised. "You sound just like him." He laughed a little. "If that's what you want, I don't see a problem with it. Alby and the others might, though."

"Doesn't matter." Y/N shrugged. "I'll go ask Alby to try running tomorrow. He'll probably agree because he'll think I'll hate it and give up. But, that won't happen." She winked at Newt. 

"Alright," Newt put a hand on her shoulder and smiled in disbelief. "Good luck, greenie."

Y/N did exactly what she said she would. Just before Alby head off to bed, Y/N caught the Glade's leader and somehow managed to singlehandedly convince him she should give running a shot tomorrow. He explained to find Thomas and Minho in the morning and to have them show her around for the day. 

The next morning, Thomas nearly lost his mind even before the sun rose. Walking across the Glade and toward the maze doors was Newt, Minho and the greenie. She was in running gear. There was no way this was happening. He and Minho didn't have time to be lagging behind because of a greenie and showing them a grand tour of the maze. They had to go further, push harder and keep trying to find a way out even though he was convinced there wasn't one. 

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