Newt [23]

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Newt was overwhelmed.

He felt like a house, all while burning down, being buried beneath floodwaters rushing all around him. He felt like nothing he did was ever right, that he wasn't doing his job properly, always having to choose sides. Alby often reassured him, but it never changed how Newt felt.

It was approaching close to three years since he had climbed up that wall. Three long years of making sure the Glade was safe and orderly, watching as the days passed by, the hope of escaping the maze diminishing by each hour. Thomas, the newest greenie had caused more of a ruckus in the past day than Newt had ever seen in the Glade. The commotion made it so that whenever he turned a corner, an angry, upset or confused boy was standing there with a million questions. Or, Alby was barking orders, telling him to get control of everyone, but he could't. There was only so much he could do to control a mass panic, and it seemed like Alby could care less. Never in all of his time here had he felt so useless and powerless.

It all came crashing down when Chuck, of all people, came running up to Newt for someone to confide in. He was scared, tears running down his cheeks. The boy tugged at Newt's sleeve as he limped across the Glade, asking the blonde when all of this would be over and when Gally would stop threatening to hurt Thomas.

"Chuck!" Newt bellowed. His breaths were heavy and rough. "I don't know, alright? I don't know what the bloody hell is going on here!"

Chuck stumbled back a couple of steps. His tears ceased to a stop and face went pale. Newt sighed in regret, knowing what he said and how he'd said it was far too harsh.

"I'm sorry, Chuck. Go find Y/N." He ran a hand through his hair and stormed off once again. Newt made his way straight to the homestead while Chuck ran for Y/N.

When Y/N heard what had happened, she knew something had to be done. Newt had been running in circles for days. He looked like a complete mess and it was only a matter of time before he crashed down. Luckily, Y/N knew just what to do.

As the old wooden door creaked open, Y/N was quickly able to locate Newt. He sit on his knees in the middle of the floor, hands over his head and forehead flush against the wooden floorboards. Ever to gently, his body rocked back and forth while his ribcage racked with each agonizing sob.

Y/N could feel her own throat begin to burn in sympathy for the defenceless looking boy, tears welling in her own eyes. She knew Newt was being affected by all of this more than anyone, but she didn't realize he was this distraught by it all.

Newt was trapped inside of his own mind. All he could hear was his own sobs and the gentle creaks in the floor beneath him each time his weight shifted. So engrossed in his own thought, he had hardly even realized someone enter his room and sit on the floor at his side, their arm laid out across his back.

When he finally noticed the weight of the arm on his back and the feeling of comfort it offered, he knew who it was. There wasn't anyone else in the Glade who would come and seek him out in his worst moments and do all they could to bring him back to consciousness safely. But Y/N would.

In response to her presence, Newt simply removed one of his hands which had a firm grip on his skull and laid it down on the floor. Y/N knew what he was asking and took his hand into hers gently and simply held it. That little bit of touch was all Newt wanted and needed for his mind to start slowing down.

It may have been close to an hour, just sitting there with numb legs and heavy hearts for the two. But, they both knew it was better than many other possible situations.

"It's not your fault, none of it." Y/N whispered softly, tightening her grip on his cold hand.

Even in the dark, Y/N could tell Newt had nodded in understanding. The boy didn't even bother trying to speak because his throat was raw from his screaming and crying throughout the day. All that mattered to him was that she was here. If hadn't been for her, he would still be stuck in a spiral of thoughts taking him closer and closer to the edge. He wasn't sure what he'd do without Y/N.

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