Chapter 33 : A Lying Witch (Ep. 3|Part 2)

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Hope's POV

Me and Landon walk around the woods following the map leading to Rafael.
"Yeah, Raf should be up ahead." "Cool."
"Meaning not cool?" I ask, because he since really nervous.
"Sorry. It's just... nothing."
"Meaning something." I stop walking and turn to face him.
"It's stupid, but when Raf was first stuck as a wolf, he used to always hang out with me, but then he, like, he stopped. Like, he forgot or he moved on." He says.
"And you're worried that it's gonna be the same when he's human again?" I ask.

"Told you it was stupid." He states.
"I don't think it's stupid. It's painful to lose someone that you love." I say sadly thinking about Josie being with him.
"Yeah. Oh, I know all about that. I grew up in the foster system. Getting bounced around from family to family made me want to shut everybody out until I realized life's a lot harder without someone watching your back."
"Trust me, Landon, you don't have to worry about anyone forgetting you." I reassure him. If only it were the same for me. If only Josie remembers. Just then somebody calls for help. Landon immediately runs towards the source of the voice, me following after him.

"Landon, wait, stay back. You don't know what's out there!" he stops in his tracks when he's faced with the Shunka growling. "I have an educated guess."
"I said stay back." I push him behind me and chant a fire spell. It doesn't kill it but it pushes the Shunka back.
"Is there a plan 'B' ? Please tell me there's a plan 'B.'" he says, scared.
"Turn around." I state. "Why?" he asks.
"Because plan "B" involves me getting naked." I gesture for him to turn around and he does so." What?"
"I have to draw it away from you." I say quickly stripping off my clothes.
"Why does that require nudity?"

"Because this monster feeds on werewolves." I explain.
"But you're a witch. A lying witch." I throw my clothes on the ground next to him. "A lying, very naked witch." when I finally stripped off all my clothes I give him specific instructions to follow.
"Look, I'm more than that, and I wish I could stay and tell you all about it, but I can't. So when I draw this thing away from you, I need you to go find Dr. Saltzman and Raf."
"Why would it after chase you..." I don't answer his question, and shift into my wolf form. "Because you're a were-witch. Holy smokes." I growl at the Shunka and run away, for him to chase me. When I look back I see that it didn't chase after me. Where did it go?...... Oh fuck. Landon.

Josie's POV

Landon left the game at half time. So we had to find a new QB, Kaleb didn't want it and Lizzie straight up said. "Pass" So a guy named Luke took the role of QB. The second half starts and we are absolutely getting killed by the other team, ever since a new guy stepped into the field, and also because Kaleb suggested we stop using our powers. I argued but everyone else agreed with him. So I went along with it. After too many points scored by the Timberwolves, I see Mg walk up to Lizzie, trying to convince her to join. I don't how Mg did it but when he joins the team huddle Lizzie comes along with him.

"Okay, since you guys can't seem to stop Captain America or not fumble a kickoff,
our lead is bleeding like a stuck pig. But fear not. I'm super absorbent." she says.
"Wow. Uh, the hell's that supposed to mean?" Kaleb asks.
"It means we're gonna play-action, all nines, bootleg left, center deep cross. Make that a bootleg right. That's my good side." Kaleb scoffs. "Whatever."
"Uh, what do, what do I do?" Wade asks.
"You go long, Wayne. Real long."
"It's Wade, actually." "You still go long."
"All right. Ready?" Lizzie ask as she sticks her hand out. "Break!" Everyone goes into their positions.

"Just try and hold onto the ball this time." Lizzie says. Right, like last year. I get I get into position, in front of the curly haired girl from earlier. She looks at me flirtingly and cocks her to the right to taunt me. I don't know why, but I hate this girl. Seeing her flirt with the other girl, pissed me off. And now she's flirting with me. "White 80. Set. Hut!" I pass Lizzie the ball and run far to the side. Lizzie spots me, and throws me the ball. I catch it and run to the end zone, one hand in the air, celebrating. Then the new guy snatches the ball from me and runs to our end zone.

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