Chapter 44 : Focus Witches (Ep. 10|Part 1)

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Hope's POV

Two weeks had passed since my return to the school. Over the course of those two weeks I've gotten a little comfortable with everything and I now know where everything is placed. Me and Josie have been spending time together and sometimes Lizzie tags along too, Josie and I make sure not to be so affectionate whenever Landon is around. She asked me to keep PDA on the low for a few weeks since she was still a little guilty. I didn't like the idea but I agreed because I too feel guilty. My week had been normal up until I got a call from Maya on Saturday afternoon. She wanted to meet with me. Said it was urgent.

I had a date with Josie planned but I canceled since Maya seemed really shaken up when she called. Josie was a little sad but she understood. We arranged we'd meet at the grill. That's where I am now. At the mystic grill, waiting for my friend to show up. I already order coffee for the both of us. The moment Maya stepped into the grill something seemed different about her. She seemed frazzled and jumpy, not her usual confident self. When she spots me she gives me a little smiles and sit on the chair across from me.
"Hey Hopey, long time no see. "
"Hey Maya, so why did you want to meet?" I ask. "Wow. Straight to the point"
"Sorry that was rude of me." I apologize.
"No it's okay. I uh I just wanted to see you. I missed you Hopey. " I smile at her.
"I missed you too Maya."

"How has the private school life been?"
"It's been good. Needed a lot of time to get used to it but they welcomed me with open arms." I state. "You?"
"Uh school's been okay, I guess. But I got suspended this week. " she says fidgety.
"Why?" I ask. Maya may be rebellious but I don't think she'd do anything that will get her suspended. She a good person.
"Uh. I had an incident at the cafeteria. Someone said something horrible about me... You know how it is with means girls. I don't know how or why it happened but I got so mad that I flipped a table, and tackled that person." I'm stunned. Maya's not like this. She's not a violent person. "But don't worry Ethan pulled me back before I could do anything. But then something strange happened. "

"What?" I ask waiting for her to continue. Maya leans closer and lowers her voice.
"I got sent home. I went to the woods for some fresh air and I punched a tree, and it snapped in half. I broke my arm in the process. " I'm not sure yet but from what she's telling me, there's a possibility that she could be a werewolf. I inspect her arm. "How long ago was this?" I ask.
"About a week ago." she states.
"Maya a broken arm would take at least 6 to 8 weeks for it to heal." I say.
"I know. That's why I said something strange happened." Just then a waiter hands us our coffee. "Thank you"
"I wanted to meet with you because I wanted to say goodbye before I leave."
"Wait leave? Why are you leaving?" I ask.

" Something happened a few weeks ago. I don't want to talk about it, but ever since then I've been having rage attacks, I get angry for no reason. So my mom is sending me away to a school that can help with my... outbursts." Okay this just further proves my theory. I grab my coffee and I hold her hand and lead her out of the Grill to  somewhere private Maya follows along no questions asked.
"Maya before you leave I have something very important to ask you. But please don't take this the wrong way." she nods. I think of how to word this properly. "Did you... Kill someone?" Maya's face turns into guilt. She's completely stunned and she drops her coffee cup. "H-how did y-you know? I-I swear it was an accident. " I cut her off before she continues to ramble. "I know, Maya. I believe you." she calms down.

"I know this is going to sound crazy but it's the truth. You're a werewolf Maya."
"What are you talking about Hope? Werewolves aren't real. This isn't funny."
"Maya, it's real. Supernaturals are real." she walks away. "This isn't funny Hope." I guess I just have to prove it. I cast a spell. "Corporis impetus" she freezes.
"What's happening, why can't I move?" I walk in front of her. "Because..." I drop the spell. "... I'm a witch." Maya stands still, this time not because of the spell.
"H-how is that possible?" she asks. "Look I'll explain everything but you have to come with me." I say. "And go where?"
"The Salvatore School." she looks at me like I'm crazy. "Salvatore is not just a boarding school for snob rich kids. It's also school for supernaturals. A school where witches, vampires and werewolves like yourself can learn control."

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